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The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a “Populist Opposition” Government

One of the most eventful things to have happened recently was from an unexpected source. The State Department and the intelligence apparatus didn’t initiate any coups somewhere in the Third World, the Kremlin didn’t launch a blitzkrieg and capture Kiev, and a currency from the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) hasn’t entered circulation yet.

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Angelo Codevilla is Dead

The inspiring mind of Angelo Codevvia has been ripped from us by a drunk driver.  The 78-year old was walking when he was allegedly struck by a vehicle and later died to from the injuries.

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USA Stressed Flag Cracks

The Perils of Revolution

One of those bits of reading I suggest people revisit often is ‘America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution.’ Written in 2010 by Angelo Codevilla, it emerged at the height of the Tea Party response to a Democrat Majority Congress and Barack Obama’s Presidency.

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Mr. Trump’s Enemies Are Your Enemies

Conrad Black has an entertaining turn over at National Review titled Trump and His Enemies. It revisits the issue of Mr. Trump’s victory against both parties (for which his every-day American supports adore him) and how the ruling class establishment elites hate him for it.

Two pull quotes to tease it for you. First,

They are enemies and the president would not wish it any other way. He ran for office against both parties, the lobbyists, almost all the national political media, and the politically active elements of Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley.

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Deep State Warfare – The Global Deep State vs. President Trump

Homo MarxianFormer NSC Staffer Rich Higgins was fired by H.R. McMaster. Probably because he truly understood what Mr. Trump was trying to do in the war against the Deep State. In what has been labeled as “The Rich Higgins Memo” he analyzes the global ruling class war against Mr. Trump and his country class supporters.

Here’s a sample.

Culturally conditioned to limit responses to such attacks as yet another round in the on-going drone from diversity and multicultural malcontents, these broadsides are discounted as political correctness run amuck. However, political correctness is a weapon against reason and critical thinking. This weapon functions as the enforcement mechanism of diversity narratives that seek to implement cultural Marxism.

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The Elite’s Immigration Disconnect

Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies shares the statistical and real-world disconnect on immigration policy between the opinions of the political class in DC, and regular Americans.   *Recorded at the 603 Alliance Grassroots Summit  

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