Red guard reading Maos red book

Blue Hampshire … Where The “Conservatives” Sound Just Like The Communists (aka NH-Democrats)

I previously posted about a “conservative” State Rep who believes that the same NH-Democrats who support late-term abortion, grooming, DEI, CRT, oppose parental rights, etc. etc. etc. are “good people”: NO. Communists (aka New Hampshire Democrats) Are Not “Good People.” Well … HE’S BACK … at NH-NeverTump Journal, that is … shilling for Obamacare … more … Read more

If you can keep it

The Left’s Burning Desire for Revenge

Every. Damned. Word.  E.g.: “In other words, are you out of your ever-loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections – it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables.”

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