January 6 Was a Protest. The Coup Took Place on November 3

January 6 was a protest. The coup took place on November 3, 2020, when political operatives in key political states across the United States committed widespread election fraud to steal the presidential election from Donald Trump, in favor of Joe Biden.

Had they not done this, Trump was on track to derail the global agenda sponsored and spearheaded by Klaus Schwab’s WEF and the United Nations’ WHO to institute a Great Reset using a rebranded seasonal influenza, calling it COVID. This was weaponized against the people of the world with tyrannical powers encouraged for global leaders.

Few countries refused to participate.

Why did this happen? Many reasons, but let’s consider one here— the practice of scientific racism and eugenics on a global scale. This is a tool of the national socialists, a party that rose to power in Germany in the 1930s and 40s before being defeated by a global coalition, the Allies. The Nazis went down in history as the Axis. Indeed, they were a power axis.

Today’s fascists are formed by a power axis composed of urban elites in Silicon Valley, New York City, London, Geneva, Beijing, and Moscow, along with a handful of other power centers. People in these locations are setting an agenda that is essentially aimed at depopulation.

The belief driving this movement is that there are too many people. Letting them die out naturally is inconvenient. The boogeyman of climate change incentivizes them to act with immediacy and impunity. They have the means to make a profit off of this quickening of natural cycles of birth and death.

This contemporary power axis is spearheaded by Facebook, Google, Pfizer, the AP, CNN — global corporate media, global corporate pharma, and global corporate tech.

We want to thank Kensley Vitoria for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

This is essentially capitalism unchecked. A danger to any free civilization.

When capitalism is unchecked, there is no respect for human rights or wellbeing. People are cast to the wayside in favor of corporate profits. The role of government is to check capitalism and channel it appropriately. To prevent capitalism from developing that evil and maleficent edge. Today, governments are mostly doing the opposite. Governments are aiding and abetting capitalism. This is the crux of the issue.

The beauty of a democratic republic, when it functions properly, is that every several years, new leadership is put in place. This would prevent the corruption we witness today if it were practiced properly. Unfortunately, there is a wrinkle that is preventing this good practice from occurring.

The wrinkle is that politicians in democratic republics who aim to practice real democracy are not leaving the government after their term of office. They are staying in power. Often, once they move to federal districts like London, Berlin, Moscow, Washington, or Beijing, they stay there! And they seek employment in other arms of the government!

This is counterproductive to efficient good governance in a democracy. Democracies thrive when everyone has a chance to participate in leadership, and then return to the private sector with the benefits of the connections, knowledge, and perspective that national leadership brings. Democracies are dying around the world.

Recently, one woman at a WEF forum bragged openly that elites are strongly connected, but they are not able to get their message across to the people of their countries. This is the essence of corruption.

The elite has become so thoroughly insulated through online social networks, heavily censored information networks, and a high degree of societal compartmentalization that their supposedly good ideas do not reflect the best interests of the people they represent in leadership. Yet these elites still attempt to shove this unwanted and unnecessary policy down peoples’ throats. It is absurd and twisted.

The icing on the cake is that these elites are often cynical and subverted individuals who have no moral compass, no faith, and poor vision. They are easily controlled through information technology, and they are led like sheep down wrong paths.

While their speaking and social skills may be top-notch, their sense of what is good and right is totally decrepit. They act more out of self-interest than anything, and their nihilism drives them towards short-term solutions.

Few societies are planning appropriately for the long term. This is a major issue that has been leading to massive unrest, unnecessary death, urban decay, and rampant frustration with “the system”. People often say capitalism is broken and that the system needs to be burned down and rebuilt. That would be absolutely unnecessary and totally inappropriate. It would lead to total devastation— basically Mao’s Cultural Revolution all over again.

The real solution is to put good-hearted leaders in place who are intelligent, humble, tolerant, patient, steadfast, long viewed, and possess a high degree of morality and integrity.

This must happen across the board. The so-called “elite” must be cleaned out. The sooner this happens the better.

Since March 2020, now for nearly two years, these “elite” have preached all manner of ridiculousness and clownishness so that they can be in power. Their ideas hold no water. They are all pawns. All of the pain they have caused justifies doing what is necessary to remove them from positions of power quickly and efficiently.

The French Revolution was an excellent model on how to shift power and send a strong message about who is in charge and what direction will be taken. The fascists of the world today, masquerading far and wide as democrats, must be sent a strong message that they will not be tolerated any longer. They should change their tune immediately or be gone from the halls of power forever. If they do not leave on their own accord, the people have the right and the power to stand up for themselves and enact the people’s justice.


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