Coos County “Common Sense”?

There’s a PAC running ads in New Hampshire to keep those dangerous MAGA Republicans out of the New Hampshire House. It’s the dumbest bit of tripe I’ve ever seen. It mentions guns and gun laws twice (if I recall), one in general and one related to schools. There is no context, including the absence of … Read more

Les Otten Balsams

Balsams’ Boondoggle: Does Les Otten Have a New Scam Going?

Yesterday, the Caledonian reported that the Balsams was up for sale.  You remember the ongoing saga of the Balsams, where failed Maine ‘entrepreneur’ Les Otten was demanding New Hampshire taxpayers back his multi-million $$ boondoggle through legislation sought by nitwitted legislators from both sides of the aisle? Groksters wrote many articles about the adventures of … Read more


NH Democrats Force Victim of Domestic Abuse Out of ‘Office’ While Her Democrat Abuser Stays

Last week the alleged victim of Democrat State Sen. Jeff Woodburn (Woodburn is charged by the New Hampshire Attorney Generals Office with nine counts of domestic abuse), was driven from her post as the Coos County Democratic Committee chair “after her lawyer maintained she was given the choice of backing Woodburn’s election or resigning her post.” Support … Read more

Democrat Coos County Vice Chair Resigns over Woodburn Scandal

If you don’t remember the name Ted Bosen, he’s the guy in some of the north country Democrat email threads I shared (here) who was offended by the way “The Party” treated an alleged victim of domestic abuse. That and the Democrat establishment wagon circling around State Sen. Jeff Woodburn, arrested on 9 counts of domestic abuse, … Read more

“North Country Democrats” Choose Politics Over People on Woodburn Assault

We’ve talked about Jeff Woodburn’s domestic assault charges. We have covered the differing responses from the Democrat Party and the faithful. The Public responses.

Behind the scenes, at least up in the North County, the victim is not viewed kindly. Politics, it appears, comes before people and these individuals are not waiting to blame the victim of Jeff Woodburn’s alleged assault if Democrats lose a State Senate Seat.

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Tom Brady (Not that one) Can’t Be On The NH-GOP State Committee


Actually, the other Tom Brady can’t be  an NH-GOP voting Committee member either but let us not get distracted.

NH-GOP Bylaws, Article 1, section 4A:

A.  Any registered Republican who, at the same time joins or allows his or her name to be used in support of a political committee or a defined group of individuals, that in title or effect is intended to be understood by the public to be a committee or group comprised in whole or in part of members of the Republican Party endorsing a candidate for elected office from another political party, when there is a candidate nominated by the Republican Party for that office, shall be disqualified during the then present and the next biennium from holding an office of the State Committee or any County or City Committee, from being a member of the Executive Committee and from being a member of the State Committee.

So why can’t Republican County Commissioner Tom Brady be a voting member of the Republican State Committee?

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Coos County Democrats…

…might want to update their web site. The elected candidates page lists their US Senators as Jeanne Shaheen and Judd Gregg. That’s a bit out of date, unless you just want to wait until we kick Shaheen out of office and you can change them both at the same time. Just trying to be helpful.

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