Actually, the other Tom Brady can’t be an NH-GOP voting Committee member either but let us not get distracted.
NH-GOP Bylaws, Article 1, section 4A:
A. Any registered Republican who, at the same time joins or allows his or her name to be used in support of a political committee or a defined group of individuals, that in title or effect is intended to be understood by the public to be a committee or group comprised in whole or in part of members of the Republican Party endorsing a candidate for elected office from another political party, when there is a candidate nominated by the Republican Party for that office, shall be disqualified during the then present and the next biennium from holding an office of the State Committee or any County or City Committee, from being a member of the Executive Committee and from being a member of the State Committee.
So why can’t Republican County Commissioner Tom Brady be a voting member of the Republican State Committee?
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