all sides is one side

What Will “the Raw Seething Arrogance of the Elite” Do to Us?

I am a Zionist Jew, and thus I subscribe to a variety of news sources about Israel to attempt to keep up with the goings-on in my spiritual home.

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Problem or Consequence?

Here are a couple of examples of ‘problem-based thinking’: If people have access to guns, some small number of them will misuse those guns.  That’s a ‘problem’, and the ‘solution’ is to take guns away from everyone. If people have access to drugs, some small number of them will misuse those drugs.  That’s a ‘problem’, … Read more

NH State House

NH Dems (Not Unexpectedly) Vote for Bans, Taxes, Rate Hikes, Vote Fraud, and Murder

I know, we don’t do these often enough. Sharing important votes by local state reps. Here in my town of Merrimack (where sharing their votes is an attack!), we’re still laboring under the weight of four Democrats with the left’s tendency toward tyranny.

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The Left – Muslim Axis Ends One Way

How much do you love Political Correctness? There is nothing the modern Left doesn’t know. Just ask them. The proud, pious zealots of the Leftist movement have everything under control. Don’t believe that? Try telling them they’re wrong… about anything… for any reason. Sometimes your enemies tell you what your friends will not. They use … Read more

Debt Service = Defense Spending???

Federal spending this year is already more than $3 trillion. That’s ignorant. Congress is drunk on spending. 2019 is setting yet another new record for out of control spending. Guess what… Congress is once again coming up on an appropriations deal impasse. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Let the shutdown hysteria begin. We are entering the hyperbole … Read more

Channeling Thomas Sowell

Discipline and accountability Some years ago Thomas Sowell wrote an article about the utility of discipline and accountability. Come, let’s try to channel a bit of Thomas Sowell. Giving black students in the 1960’s inflated grades when they were admitted with low academic qualifications avoided lots of time wasting hassles for the instructor. Those hassles … Read more

I’m betting she’ll think twice (or more) about skipping school…

Heh! As I say all the time, decisions have consequences.  This is a GOOD one! (H/T: Izismile)

A PERFECT case of “Bad decision? You own the bad consequence(s)”

For years, I have thought and said that one of the most pernicious new values of our rapidly becoming a secular Progressive Society is that of socializing negative consequences of bad decisions by individuals (“nobody can suffer the consequences of their decisions – we are ALL at fault so we must ALL suffer for him”).   The associated side of this is that of the Nanny State that seeks to force one to diminish the effects of risky behavior of certain voluntary activities (e.g., forcing people to wear a motorcycle helmet or a seatbelt) – or, to take that activity or substance (no, not the usuals, but think trans-fats that make things tasty, or 100 watt light bulbs that make it easier to read by).

Now, let me state that in no way am I in favor of suicide, so don’t try to twist what the above with the below – most suicides are done out of extreme depression and a sense that nothing positive can change for them – and the vast majority are of no fault of their own.  Here?  My opinion is that this is a political statement and a political stunt – these folks are there because of extremely bad decisions done on BATTLEFIELDS against our military or civilians – these are enemy combatants that have declared war on the US (reformatted, emphasis mine):

(AP) – A hunger strike among prisoners at Guantanamo Bay keeps growing.  Lt. Col. Samuel House said Saturday that 100 of 166 prisoners at the U.S. base in Cuba have now joined the strike.  He says 19 are receiving liquid nutrients through a nasal tube to prevent dangerous weight loss. House says five of those are at a hospital under observation but that they do not have any life-threatening conditions.

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Assault furniture

“TV tip-over warnings are imperative, said Dr. Gary Smith, president of the Center for Injury Research and Policy.

Tyranny #1 – Where Steve Vaillancourt decides to make it about himself…and approves of overt threats of Tyranny

They may as well attack me as well.”   OK, battle joined – you asked, we’ll oblige: You’re an arse of a Libertarian for siding with Statists that promote promise threaten Governmental Tyranny against fellow citizens simply for holding opposing political views.

This is the first of a series of posts about Governmental Tyranny (or in this case, the threatening thereof) set this against the current Second Amendment Right battle being waged by those that would willingly disarm law-abiding Citizens.  Sure, they say that they respect “legitimate” uses for hunting and some forms of sport shooting, but lesser respect for the use of firearms for self-defense. And when it comes to the real reason that the second Amendment exists, to be able to credibly fight against a tyrannical government,  it seems that scoffing or demonizing (see our posts on the English wanker Piers Morgan strewn all over the ‘Grok lately) is in order using one of two arguments:

  • Do you really expect to win a fight against the US Military?
  • The US Government will never become tyrannical – it just can’t happen here.

Here’s the back story: this stems back to Grokster Steve’s post on NH State Rep (Democrat) Cynthia Chase’s threat to use the force of the State of New Hampshire Government to screw over a group of people simply because this recent transplant from RI cannot stand that they want less government over their lives and her philosophy / religion demands more. So she threatens:

“What we can do is make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave.  One way is to pass measures that will restrict freedoms that they think they will find here.”

It seems de riguer / all the rage for Democrats lately: “You disagree with me politically – thus, I shall destroy you personally.  I will use Government to take stuff away from you”.  As Grokster Steve put it “Sounds more like tyranny“.  Rush Limbaugh agreed with Steve!  Even the UL recognized the inherent danger in what she said:

A much greater threat lies in the dictatorial impulses of legislators who find it permissible to reshape the electorate in their favor through the selective dismemberment of our liberties.”

Dictatorial.  The simple word for this is tyranny.  And Grokster Susan got the tweet from NH State Rep (Democrat) Peter Sullivan that amplifies the Democrat mantra:

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“Pew Research Center survey finds declining support for government safety nets” – Well, yes!

This article is kinda / mostly straight up and down…OK, it’s not if you think about it hard.  It tries hard to present an objective view but when I look at the examples given, the veil falls.  In fact, the examples that are inserted to try to arouse a sympathetic aire concerning the safety net simply either doesn’t begin to think of the important unasked questions, or sweeps them under the rug.  Like this one (reformatted):

Jasmine McIntyre is thankful for the social safety net supporting her and her unborn child at the Florence Crittenton home.  Without the residential program for at-risk teen moms, she would have scant money, little education and a bleak future.  Instead, she is pursuing a job and is ready to enroll in college courses…Living at Florence Crittenton in a sprawling, old house with a dozen other hormonal, pregnant teens is not how McIntyre imagined her life when her parents moved to South Carolina three years ago. She was a student at West Ashley High School when she was sexually assaulted and dropped out of school. However, she went on to earn her GED, and the man she alleges attacked her was arrested.  Then she learned she was pregnant (though not from the assault).

She decided to have her baby girl. McIntyre sent the baby to live with her own mother, who had since moved to Ohio, and made plans to move there herself. She was working two jobs when she learned she was pregnant again.  With little money and no higher education, McIntyre and her mother worried. What was her future? And what could she offer two small children?  Again, McIntyre decided to have the baby. But this time, now 19, she moved into Florence Crittenton, a home for at-risk, unwed young women….Its clients are more likely to stay in school, learn life skills and give birth to healthy babies. For every $1 the program spends, it saves $4 in tax dollars, Executive Director Lisa Belton said.

OK, let’s be blunt – real blunt, because if we shy away from saying the obvious, from asking the hard questions that now  are off limits (because of Political Correctness), we’re only dealing with results and not the root causes.

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