empty operating room

Medical Staff Shortage Can Be Traced Back to Dumbed Down Common Core and Next Generation Standards

I warned, that with the dumbing down of public education, one of the areas that would suffer would be, the medical profession. Granted the fuzzy math era hurt the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field too. Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards are contributing to the lack of medical professionals working in the hospitals because they do not prepare students for the STEM field.

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andru volinsky edelblut Education

Where has Volinsky Been?

In the article titled: “Volinsky calls for Edelblut to go,” (Union Leader, Dec. 18) Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky argues that Commissioner Edelblut has advanced policies that weaken financial support for public schools.

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Joyce Craig

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig: a lousy education legacy

Mayor Joyce Craig has done nothing to improve the quality of education in Manchester. As Chairman of the Board, she should have come in with a plan to improve the public schools in Manchester. Instead, she appears to be punting that authority to community organizers like Manchester Proud and the Nellie Mae Foundation.  Both of … Read more

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