Where has Volinsky Been?

In the article titled: “Volinsky calls for Edelblut to go,” (Union Leader, Dec. 18) Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky argues that Commissioner Edelblut has advanced policies that weaken financial support for public schools.

Related: Manchester School District: On the Verge of Adopting a Failed Common Core Math Program?

He mentions U.S. Secretary Betsy DeVos as another person causing the demise of public schools in New Hampshire. But both Edelblut and DeVos were not serving in their current positions when Common Core was thrust upon public schools.

Common Core is now one of the biggest failures in public education. Many parents have been forced to remove their children from the public schools to avoid this mess.

Why are parents demanding alternatives to public schools? The answer is simple, they want to avoid the pitfalls of Common Core.

Common Core was voted in by the New Hampshire State Board of Education in 2010. Since then, national scores have either fallen or remain stagnant. All of the promises of Common Core to prepare students for college and career have not been fulfilled.

When Commissioner Edelblut was appointed he addressed Common Core with the State Board of Education members who had been appointed by former Governor Hassan. They voted against his attempts to revise and improve upon the academic standards.

Where has Volinsky been?

Why isn’t he leading the charge to help the commissioner work to improve upon the standards so parents aren’t forced to remove their children from the public schools? If he really cared about public education, why doesn’t he work across party lines to make the improvements parents have been demanding for nine years?

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