Medical Staff Shortage Can Be Traced Back to Dumbed Down Common Core and Next Generation Standards

I warned, that with the dumbing down of public education, one of the areas that would suffer would be, the medical profession. Granted the fuzzy math era hurt the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field too. Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards are contributing to the lack of medical professionals working in the hospitals because they do not prepare students for the STEM field.

Granted, firing healthcare professionals makes no sense right now, but professors educating college students in the medical profession have been warning of the nursing shortage for many years. This comes as no surprise that there are staffing shortages, to anyone who’s been paying attention.

It is critical that students receive a quality math and science education k-12. We all know now that Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards do not provide an adequate set of standards for the STEM field.

How will this impact you, even if you don’t have children in the public school system? Well, hopefully, you won’t receive inadequate medical care because of hospital and staff shortages. Hopefully, you can get in to see a medical professional if you get sick.

If you keep ignoring this problem, you may become a victim of it one day, even if your children have avoided the public school system.

It’s up to all of us to demand better of our elected officials and those who run our public schools.

Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards are still the state standards in New Hampshire.

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