
603 Summit: Ed Naile, Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers

by Skip

And NH Voter Fraud hunter supreme!  And Voter Fraud was the topic of his speech at the 603 Alliance’s “Liberty trumps Socialism”. Liberty – is there Liberty if your vote is stolen from you by those that are ineligible to vote in your town and in your State?

CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Kimberly Morin

by Skip

The Fiahcrakah (that’s Firecracker to you Flatlanders) – Kimberly is a lady that is never still or quiet.  Proprietor of NH Political Buzz, she also writes for us here at GraniteGrok and is the current President of the Womens’ Defense League of NH (“WDLNH”).  She is never a lady without a few bon (as well as mal) mots floating on her lips nor from her keyboard.  She is “on” all the time and served as the last speaker of the day at the CNHT Annual Picnic (aka “Old Home Day for Conservatives”) and you will enjoy her talk!

Previous video:

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Ed Naile, Chair of CNHT

by Skip

Ed is the Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers who puts on the Annual Picnic (aka, “Old Home Day for Conservatives). For decades, he and CNHT have been champions for taxpayer issues be they local (e.g., fighting the “good ole’ boys” networks in small NH towns, or local school boards / municipal committees that have gone off the “RSA reservation”, or local politicians seeking to enrich themselves as taxpayers expense) or state-wide (the foremost expert of voter fraud in NH).  In fact, that’s how he led off

After the jump are the other videos, especially about Keith Hanson and The Winslows (and what the town they live in is doing to them illegally):

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – the Advocacy groups

by Skip

CNHTOr non-profits.  Or special interest groups.  Whatever you wish to call them, right or left, people have interests and these groups are the essence of what de Tocqueville was so amazed about when he toured America back in the 1830s – the ease and speed in which ordinary Americans voluntarily banded together to solve a problem without government needing to get involved.  This has been part of the hallmark of American Exceptionalism – people governing themselves and doing for themselves and others without being told or outsourcing that interest to government.  Here are the groups:

603 Alliance: Jim Kofalt


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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – the NH State Senate candidates edition

by Skip

CNHTFive (out of the possible 24 NH State Senate District) candidates showed up (listed alphabetically):

  • Gary Daniels is running for NH State Senate District 11.
  • Carla Gericke is running in NH State Senate District 20
  • Dan Hynes is running for NH State Senate District 9.
  • Bill Kuch is running for NH State Senate District 16.
  • Ruth Ward is running for NH State Senate District 8.

Here is Gary – the others are after the jump.

There were a number of no-shows (although Bob Guida (District 2), while absent, at least sent in a Letter to be read).  Which left the following no-shows:

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – “Send us your stuff!”

by Skip

CNHTNo, I wasn’t on the roster of speakers but I decided to try anyways – and Keith Hanson of WNTK, the MC for the CNHT Annual Taxpayer Picnic, allowed me a few moments.  As I pointed out here, I’ve been making this offer for a while:

So, knowing the reach of GraniteGrok, why not use it?  So, if you didn’t catch my message here – listen again!  So far, only Becky Bailey for NH House Grafton 15 (as far as candidates are concerned) and Constitution Camp (as far as non-profits are concerned) have taken me up on my offer.  Still there, still exists, but start sending them in!

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – NH’s Executive Council candidates: Jane Cormier and Jim Beard

by Skip

CNHTTo be honest, I would have thought a few more prospective Republican candidates would have shown up at the CNHT Annual Taxpayer Picnic:

  • Like my Exec. Councilor, Joe Kenney who has a primary with Kim Strathdee in District 1 (yes, my personal “please vote for Joe Kenney”)
  • Russell Prescott (who went to the Dark Side by proposing a whopping increase in the highway toll taxes – maybe that’s why he was a no-show)
  • Ted Gatsas – guess “His Honor” decided that CNHT was a bit too low to visit

BUT!  Jim Beard who is running unopposed in District 2 showed up and Jane Cormier, the soon to be “Singing Councilor” (Sidenote: She will be singing the national anthem at the beginning of the Manchester Fisher Cat game on August 3rd.) were present and willing to speak to the crowd:


Previous video:

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – The video!

by Skip

CNHTActually, a whole bunch of videos – 32 to be exact.  That’s a lot of candidates and advocacy group that made their pitch to the assembled “family” members who were plentiful on Saturday (yes, it took me a day to process them.  Please note that “backups” were used to stitch things together as best as possible as sometime techie things didn’t quit go right as planned – apologies in advance). But hey, this is one of the main missions of the ‘Grok in doing the citizen journalism that the mainstream media refuses to do.

So, let’s start in the middle of the event and go right to the Chairman of CNHT’s first address to the crowd – Voter Fraud:

And we’ll circle back to the beginning of the event with the intro ceremonies including opening remarks by Keith Hanson, radio personality and host at WNTK (and now, a new Grokster!):

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for NH Governor

by Skip

No, current GOP Governor Chris Sununu (only candidate in the NH GOP primary) was a no-show at this event (was it something we all said at an earlier “conservative Old Home Day meeting” that never happened?) but a potential rival did show up (albeit, late in the day) – Aaron Day and came well prepared to speak: … Read more

CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for US Congress in CD-1

by Skip

Candidates aplenty during the CNHT Picnic (“Old Home Day for Conservatives” – you ought to be there next year!) and with Carol SEIU-Porter retiring (just long enough to get that beefy US Congress retirement plan!), the seat is wide open.  Boy, is it wide open: 6 Republicans – Michael Callis, Bruce Crochetiere, Jeffory W. Denaro, Eddie … Read more

CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for US Congress in CD-2

by Skip

CNHTLike NH’s First Congressional District (NH CD-1), there are plenty of candidates to look at/worry over (depending on your political point of view) in CD-2. It is different than CD-1 where it is an open seat (again, Carol Shea-Porter has grabbed the Congressional retirement gold ring and bailed).

Self-proclaimed uber-Progressive Annie Kuster is gunning for another term. How quaint that term “uber-Progressive” as she was certainly that back when she first ran and now the Democrat Party is going full communism. After all, just ask the Berni-bros in the Democrat Socialists Of America wing. They are dumping ALL pretense of just being socialists and are loudly proclaiming the wonders and delights of full-on Communism while tactfully ignoring that the Full Monty version of their now beloved Communism also resulted in over 100 million deaths of their own citizens in putting it into place. But hey, that’s why they use that “broken eggs/omlette” stupidity.

But back to the Republican candidates running in CD-2.

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