Why the NH Senate Should ITL HB1291

Some elements in our state are trying to force longtime-established single-family zoned neighborhoods into multi-family neighborhoods. Their goal is to eradicate the suburbs and morph towns into cities.

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Houses Housing neighborhood Photo

Night Cap: How Corrupt is This?

In 2023, HB 44 was a defeated bill that threatened to turn certain single-family-zoned neighborhoods into rental nightmares. However, this year comes an even worse bill, HB 1291, to be heard by a House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing on February 16.

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Zoning: HB1291 is NOT HB44 On Steroids

HB1291 reduces the power of our consistently anti-liberty zoning boards to write anti-liberty rules where there is no basis. A typical town’s 1.8-acre minimum lot size has been justified by the scarcity of water and septic capacity and was adopted in an era of poorer understanding and technology.

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CNHT Splash Home Page

CNHT: URGENT: Action Needed on Budget Bill

We’ve emailed you before about problems with the Housing Appeals Board (HAB), a state-level, 3-person panel of appointed, industry ‘professionals’ who are now allowed to override your town vote by defying the decisions of any of your town boards (planning, zoning, conservation, school, etc.).

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CNHT Splash Home Page

SB400 Must Be Killed!

SB400 must be killed! The full House has killed 3 other similar bills in past years, this one is no different. It’s just another bite at the apple, and we can’t let them have it.

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Catch and Release

As NH citizens watch the most recent leftist riots in Democrat cities, since the most recent video showing a white police officer abusing a black suspect, people seem puzzled by the rapid escalation of the violence and looting.

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Vote Integrity Requires Accurate Voting Rolls

Judicial Watch works on many important issues of government for us, the American people. One of the most important things they have been doing is to continue to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

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CNHT Picnic – Closing Remarks and Beatboxing

by Skip

All good things come to an end and so did the Picnic, so here are the QUICK closing remarks: A self-serving note, if I might.  Because of a very generous donor, we’ve been able to refresh and expand all of our technologies – including our new PA system which Ed references above. I think this … Read more


CNHT Picnic – The Advocacy Groups Part 1

by Skip

In addition to the candidates for various offices, the Annual CNHT Picnic is also about the various Conservative advocacy groups that cover a number of issues.  The next few posts will show their speakers: Coalition of NH Taxpayers – Ed Naile Get Involved PAC – Chris Maidment: The Patriot Initiative – Josh Moore NH Right … Read more

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