
In Defense of Charter Schools

Yesterday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted against House Bill 515, “An Act repealing the chartered public school eligibility for state school building aid.” Although I was originally scheduled to speak against HB515, the floor debate did not occur. Why? The Representative scheduled to speak in support of HB515 backed out of the … Read more

Lionheart Classical Academy

State School Board Approves Charter for Lionheart Classical Academy

New Hampshire’s State Board of Education today voted to approve a State Charter for Lionheart Classical Academy Chartered Public School. The academy, scheduled to open in September 2022 in Peterborough, will be a new chartered public school initially offering a tuition-free classical education for grades kindergarten through 5.

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Long-Awaited Public Charter School Grant Competition Announced

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Education is excited to announce the start of the 2020-2021 federal charter school grant competition, which provides competitive grant funds to start new public chartered schools, as well as replicate and expand existing high-quality public chartered schools.

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Democrats Out to Kill Charter Schools

We have just ended Joint Fiscal Committee meeting of the New Hampshire Legislature. The most controversial item was a Federal Education Grant of 46 million dollars over 5 years, for improving and adding new charter schools. The first installment to be voted on was 11 million dollars.

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Schools as Institutional racism

Opposing School Choice Supports Systemic Racism

There was a time when the Democratic Party worked to prosper working people. Today, in New Hampshire and around the country, they oppose allowing tax dollars of working parents to follow their children to achieve the best possible educational environment for their children.

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Frank Edelblut3

Statement of Commissioner Frank Edelblut: Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee denies 120 NH students education choice

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 10, 2020 Contact: Grant Bosse (603) 271-0448 office (603) 513-3030 cell Statement of Commissioner Frank Edelblut CONCORD- Following today’s party-line vote of the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee to keep a $46 million charter school replication grant on the table, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut issued the following statement: “I remain disappointed that … Read more

Charter schools: Red herrings

In a recent editorial about how school choice and charter schools ‘put public school funding at risk’, Donald Cohen waves three red herrings, hoping to distract you from the real issues at hand.  They come up a lot, so they’re worth looking at more closely.

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Op-ed: “We’re not giving up on charter schools”

On Friday, hundreds of public charter school students who traveled to Concord learned a harsh lesson about the legislative process. They learned that sometimes partisan politics gets in the way of bipartisan problem solving. They came to the Legislative Fiscal Committee asking lawmakers to accept the first round of a $46 million federal grant to … Read more


Fiscal Committee Rejects Federal Grant

On Friday the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee voted along party lines to reject $10.1 million, the first-year portion, of the $46 million federal grant intended to expand and replicate successful chartered public schools to support at-risk students. Students from several charter public school packed the committee room and flooded the hallway. In August the grant … Read more

The $46 Million Free Lunch

The first thing to understand about charter schools is that reasonable people disagree about whether the outcomes from charter schools are significantly better than those from regular public schools.  (And by ‘outcomes’, I don’t mean just final scores.  I mean improvements.  Schools that have students who would do well under any circumstances don’t deserve any credit when those kids do well.)

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Online Learning May Help the US Close Education Gap

Students Deserve the Best Education Possible

All our state’s students deserve the best education possible, and many people contribute to making that happen. Parents, teachers and school officials are all critical in the effort to educate our kids and help them unlock their potential. But our state legislators are also important, because they help set the overall approach that schools take … Read more

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