High Stakes Dispute Over Roundup Weed Killer

Since its development as an integral part of genetically modified organism (GMO) cropping, glyphosate – the active weed-killing ingredient in Roundup – has attracted controversy over whether it causes human disease, particularly non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

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Doubling Down on Dumb

July 1990 
The young Urologist just finished his residency and there was new hope for men with prostate cancer. A protein referred to as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) had been identified and seemed to be a useful screening test to look for early prostate cancer.

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Joe Biden – ““That’s why I, and so damn many other people I grew up with, have cancer.”

We’ve long since suspected Brandon is suffering from neurological impairment and declining cognitive functions. His inability to form coherent thoughts and string together basic sentences, along with running a campaign from his basement, were just some of the obvious clues. Despite these limitations, an alleged 81 million voters nevertheless said dementia was preferable to low … Read more


Quick Shot: Israeli Scientists May Have Found a Cure for Cancer

This would be amazing if true. For starters, most anti-cancer drugs attack a specific target on or in the cancer cell, he explained. Inhibiting the target usually affects a physiological pathway that promotes cancer. Mutations in the targets – or downstream in their physiological pathways – could make the targets not relevant to the cancer … Read more

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