You Can’t Handle The Truth

We are a large country, and those who live on the coasts wrongly assume that we represent all Americans in values and wants. Most of America is insulated from the problems of the big cities and the population-dense regions of the East and West. I envy these lucky folks who live in the forgotten fly-over areas of America.

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No stop hand cancel

The Left Redux

Cancel culture and censorship are not about fairness or justice. They are the opposite of protecting yourself from the predations of the powerful. They are not about protecting minorities from abuse or offense. Rather, these things, cancel culture and censorship, are about accumulating power for the elite.

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Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Words Mean Something

Words mean something. When that meaning is lost, either due to malfeasance and obfuscation or simply to time and disuse, a failure to communicate results and this failure of understanding can, if properly managed, be weaponized against an enemy. This is the nature of information warfare.

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NFL Logo stadium lights - Logo Lynx

Gruden and Northam—a Tale of Two Scandals

Former Las Vegas Raider coach Jon Gruden is suing the NFL and its commissioner, Roger Goodell. Gruden resigned under pressure in October when tasteless emails he’d authored years ago were released as part of a probe into the supposedly problematic Washington Redskin culture.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Monday Memes

Remember Alinsky and his rules – particularly Rule 5: “Ridicule is Man’s Most Potent Weapon”.

LAUGH at these people.  MOCK THEM MERCILESSLY.  And if you recall from that video embedded here about mass psychosis and propagandizing, ridicule is also an effective weapon against that as well.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Monday Memes

Remember Alinsky and his rules – particularly Rule 5: “Ridicule is Man’s Most Potent Weapon”.

LAUGH at these people.  MOCK THEM MERCILESSLY.  And if you recall from that video embedded here about mass psychosis and propagandizing, ridicule is also an effective weapon against that as well.

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Monday Memes

Remember Alinsky and his rules – particularly Rule 5: “Ridicule is Man’s Most Potent Weapon”.

LAUGH at these people.  MOCK THEM MERCILESSLY.  And if you recall from that video embedded here about mass psychosis and propagandizing, ridicule is also an effective weapon against that as well.

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Justine Murray

The Proper Response to “I’m Offended” is…

by Skip

The use of “I’m offended,” like much of the Left’s linguistic machinations, is meant to shut you and the conversation. The “Uber” of silencing in which the responsibility of how someone “feels” is up to me and I have to protect them.

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