Nigel Farage is an MP to the EU. He’s been working for years to lose his job. That is, to get the UK out of the EU. That is now happening one way or another. But before it does (tomorrow) he had some words for the EU, you may like to hear.
Nigel Farage is an MP to the EU. He’s been working for years to lose his job. That is, to get the UK out of the EU. That is now happening one way or another. But before it does (tomorrow) he had some words for the EU, you may like to hear.
Queen Elizabeth has given her royal assent to the Brexit Bill. Barring any unforeseen complication, the UK can begin its planned departure from the EU on January 31st. That’s next week.
Unlike our feckless Republicans in DC, after years of promising to get rid of the freedom-freezing Obamacare, the Tories in the British Parliament voted to finally fulfill the wishes of the British populace to leave the European Union.
Boris got his election, and now he’s got his victory. There can be little doubt the Brits want out of the EU. They just handed their current PM, Boris Johnson, a yuge majority.
Today’s Brexit vote fell short, but it’s not dead yet. British MPs will take up another Brexit vote on Monday provided it follows parliamentary rules, but it won’t pass in time to avoid the requirement in law to request an Article 50 extension for withdrawal from the European Union. Johnson brought forward a new deal … Read more
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, tweeted that a Brexit Deal with the European Union has been struck. Parliament will vote on the “great new deal” on Saturday. If the UK Parliament approves the deal, the EU Bloc would have to approve it as well. The British People voted in 2016 to “Brexit” … Read more
I think Brexit is great. It shows that a country’s sovereignty means something. It also means competition! And if there is one thing that the EU autocrats hate it is competition.
This week we explore some scientific fraud from Dartmouth College, what the gender war looks like in a local New Hampshire town, the latest on Boris and Brexit, who will run in NH CD-1, ponder being fed up with being fed up, and ask, “will Hillary Run for President?”
This week we explore some scientific fraud from Dartmouth College, what the gender war looks like in a local New Hampshire town, the latest on Boris and Brexit, who will run in NH CD-1, ponder being fed up with being fed up, and ask, “will Hillary Run for President?”
We’re back after an unplanned week off. The Cloud ate our podcast. Everything’s working this week and we’re firing on all cylinders, taking aim (figuratively) at the left and their ridiculous worldview.
We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. Iran: Trump admin sanctions Iranian space program for covering nuclear weapons work. Free Beacon Iran building new classified military base in Syria: intelligence sources. Fox News Rouhani … Read more
This week we talk about the Republican primary challenge to Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Mike Pence and the Manchester VA. The NH Budget and Education spending. We have some insight into some amusing first in the nation primary news. And we’ve got one of the best explanations of Boris, Brit and EU Brexit politics you … Read more
It happens. We occasionally disagree on things around the humble blogger’s shop. And this week we’ve got an example of that. Mike, Skip, and Steve, took a vote and it was not unanimous.
We went bug hunting last night. Mike, and Skip, and I huddled into a Zoom meeting to test its potential as a podcasting platform. I think we can agree that this will work. Zoom allows us to record the program from anywhere we have an internet connection. We’ve already worked out a few issues that … Read more
Teresa May’s Mexit from the job at 10 Downing Street is a result of her failure to get things done. What things? Brexit things. Her replacement, newly elected British PM Boris Johnson, ran on getting Brexit done by Oct 31st (2019) and it seems to have carried him to victory.
The next wave of left-wing sanctioned violence in America could come under cover of a yellow-vest movement. It will advance leftist priorities through intimidation and violence. I think they have to try. The movement that began in France was in objection to globalist left-wing devotion to carbon taxes that made life unlivable for rural residents. The government eventually … Read more
Kimberly Morin joins us as we discuss how Sen. Jeanne Shaheen labeled a huge swath of her constituency as bad people doing bad things. We also talk about Maggie Hassan, who appears to know nothing about federal firearms law, and wants to ban all semi-automatic rifles. We also fit in Brexit, Brussels and EU and … Read more
We celebrate show #150 with a room full of right-wing bloggers and activists. Topics? Sununu’s and Planned Parenthood, due process, Marijuana and the ATF, Smokin’ Joe Lachance, Trump and the GOP, Maggie Hassan, Semi-Auto-Sit-Ins, a little immigration, Granite Grok’s ten year anniversary, the Brexit, and more.