Cows ranch cattle Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash

A Tale of Two Billionaire Farmers

The media are abuzz with billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he is raising gourmet beef from wagyu cows on his Hawaiian “ranch,” feeding them beer and macadamia nuts. This contrasts sharply with fellow billionaire farming dabbler Bill Gates, who uses conventional chemical technologies and fancies himself the creator of a new synthetic factory meat.

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Houseplants? Is The Family Dog Next

Okay, these Greenies have to get themselves a hobby. I have no idea what their endgame is, but all of us moving back into caves might be a good guess. But don’t even think about starting a campfire to cook or keep warm. No fire is allowed in the Green Utopia.

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The Left and Teenage Mental Illness: Bug or Feature? (Part 1)

It can be difficult to look at the political left and ascertain just what is going on in their minds. Much of what they say they are about involves looking out for the oppressed, leveling the economic playing field, teaching people to be more tolerant of those outside of the norm, and helping children learn and feel more safe, among other things.

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Bill Gates Eyes ‘Friendly’ Mosquitos

Bill Gates extolls the potential benefits of genetically modified mosquitos in a recent blog. The clever technology may indeed prove beneficial, but Bill Gates has his fingers (and money) stuck in so many technological marvels that risks of error surely mount.

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Bill Gates Mug Shot - running red light suspended license

Patriarchy Profile: Meat Bill

Turning Philanthropy Into Psychopathy

There is an unwritten rule amongst billionaires, I know because I’ve never read it anywhere. That is if one is blessed with tremendous wealth it falls upon them to assume the title “philanthropist.”

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Four Horseman graphic - painting - artwork

The Next Pandemic

Nitzakhon note: I am not really out of my hiatus mode but this is IMHO critical enough that I am putting it out anyway despite the risk to my personal situation.  This was started a couple of months ago, but in light of recent events vis a vis a potential new virus, plus other things happen globally, I wanted to get it out there ASAP.

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