The Left and Teenage Mental Illness: Bug or Feature? (Part 2)

Part one of this article looked at the rise in mental illness in our culture, especially the youth.  The question is, where does it come from and why?  Looking at the overwhelming influencers, namely teachers and social media, it begs the question of what has changed and who started it.

James Lindsay makes a very strong case the primary Marxist thought leader in this revolution is Herbert Marcuse and his seminal work “An Essay on Liberation.”

In chapter 2, Marcuse called for a “New Sensibility” whereby citizens would shrug off their implicit enslavement to a capitalist system were they to be awakened to a “critical consciousness” (re: get woke).  In order to do this, Marcuse cites rebelling in the world of art with “anti-art.”  This explains the move from classical realism to absurd and even offensive art.  He uses the German phrase gemalte oder modellierte Erkenntniskritik, which translates to painted or modeled critique of knowledge – art as critical theory, in other words. One can now see Picasso, Dali, Pollack, and Marina Abramovic all playing a role in this assault on reality and beauty, adding:

Drag queen playing with small children.

“But today’s rebels against the established culture also rebel against the beautiful in this culture, against its all too sublimated, segregated, orderly, harmonizing forms.”(p. 33)

Without batting an eye, Marcuse sees this deconstruction of the West and all its history as necessary to achieving his Marxist utopia, which arrives not from well-reasoned actions but on faith that from the ashes of destruction, it will simply emerge.


Chapter Three, he finally introduces the idea of creating mental illness in youth via education:

“Under these circumstances, radical change in consciousness is the beginning, the first step in changing social existence: emergence of the new Subject. Historically, it is again the period of enlightenment prior to material change – – a period of education, but education which turns into praxis: demonstration, confrontation, rebellion… The development of a radical political consciousness among the masses is conceivable only if and when the economic stability and the social cohesion of the system begin to weaken.” (p. 39&40)


“i.e., the political consciousness exists among the nonconformist young intelligentsia; and the vital need for change is the very life of the ghetto population; and of the “underprivileged” sections of the laboring classes in backward capitalist countries.”(p.42)

The strategy, in case you haven’t figured it out, is young teachers creating rebellious youth.  As well as:

“The ghetto population of the United States constitutes such a force. Confined to small areas of living and dying, it can be more easily organized and directed in this respect, the ghettos can be compared with the faubourgs of Paris in the eighteenth century, and their location makes for spreading and “contagious” upheavals… The fact is that, at present in the United States, the black population appears as the “most natural” force of rebellion.” (p. 42&43)

From this, we see Black Lives Matter and their “trained Marxist” leaders were intended to arise.  As Dr. James Lindsay says, “We live in Herbert Marcuse’s world”.

The consequences of this deliberate move to radicalize the “ghetto population” include the recent slaughter of a retired police chief simply riding his bicycle being mowed down by two teens and a fourteen-year-old white boy beaten to death by a mob of black kids, both in Las Vegas. Eight of the teen assailants are being tried for murder.  Though the left decries the prison problem in America their plans are only making it worse, but Marcuse may have known this:

“The student rebellion hits this society at a vulnerable point; accordingly, the reaction is venomous and violent.” (p. 43)

Again he returns to the need to create this change of mind in the students via a subversive overhaul of education:

“The demands for a structural reform of the educational system (urgent enough by themselves; we shall come back to them subsequently) seek to counteract the deceptive neutrality and often plainly apologetic teaching; and to provide the student with the conceptual instruments for a solid and thorough critique of the material and intellectual culture.”(p. 44&45)

The reform of education looks like what we’ve seen over the past few years.  Young and oddly uniformed (colorfully dyed hair, piercings, pronouns, rainbow/BLM flags & anti-American logos, inter alia) teachers, and some older, all coming out of their Marxist closets to meet Marcuse’s call to re-educate America’s children into Marxist-socialism.  This can only be done with the “instruments for a solid and thorough critique” of America and Western culture, especially Christianity, as Marx stated in the Communist Manifesto, “the ruthless criticism of all that exists,” a totalizing deconstruction after which the socialist man emerges into utopia.  These people believe that if you just tear it all down, something better emerges via socialism.  Only it’s never happened anywhere it has been tried – 0 out of 45 attempts.  As Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome”.  Marxist-socialism is a type of insanity.

So children, rather than enter into lives of wonder and joy, are instead being indoctrinated into the mindset of Marxist revolutionaries who deliberately paint the world as obscene, convince you it’s obscene, and even justify obscenity to validate their point.

“This society is obscene in producing and indecently exposing a stifling abundance of wares while depriving its victims abroad of the necessities of life; obscene in stuffing itself and its garbage cans while poisoning and burning the scarce foodstuffs in the fields of its aggression; obscene in the words and smiles of its politicians and entertainers; in its prayers, in its ignorance, and in the wisdom of its kept intellectuals.“(p. 11)

This explains the glut of marketing all manner of products in the U.S.  Marx prophesied Capitalism’s demise due to its rapacity and gluttony.  Marxists believe they can overload the system with any number of items (just visit a toy or candy aisle), which acts as a fattening of the social calf for the slaughter.  It’s known as immanentizing the eschaton or bringing the end of the world sooner by increasing its depravity.

This is why children are being taught all manner of sexuality and anti-American messaging.  Intended to destabilize them, their families and our culture believing, as Marx taught, it inevitably leads to a socialist utopia.

Ponerology is the study of evil

I cannot psychoanalyze Marcuse, nor have I seen one offered of him, but Marx has been classified as appearing to have schizoid personality disorder.  It’s characterized by:

  • Dull and humorless
  • Socially distant (cold) and aloof
  • Avoid close relationships, even those with family
  • Indifferent to both criticism and praise
  • Difficulty relating to others in social situations
  • Take little pleasure in activities involving others, including sex
  • Choose solitary activities and careers
  • Behave in ways that others see as odd or eccentric
  • Frequent daydreaming, creating vivid fantasies involving complex inner life experiences

Also on the list of famous schizoid types are Bill Gates, Sigmund Freud, and Charles Darwin, a veritable who’s who of global influencers regarding mental health, disease, and an evolutionary theory that someone like Marcuse could lean on to justify rebellion in the youth – it’s a natural evolution.

If it looks like madness and sounds like madness and was designed by those who are mentally ill, is it any wonder our children are becoming mentally ill, too?



  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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