Biden Admin Announces The Ministry of Shade

A few years back, supervillain Bill Gates proposed a solution to the made-up problem of global warming. What if we block the sun? You spray tiny sun-reflecting particles into the atmosphere. What could go wrong? How about the Biden Administration funding the research?

Related: NASA says the Solar Minimum is Here. Climate Cult Says Meh, No Big Deal (But It Probably Is)


The research plan will assess climate interventions, including spraying aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space, and should include goals for research, what’s necessary to analyze the atmosphere, and what impact these kinds of climate interventions may have on Earth, according to the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. Congress directed the research plan be produced in its spending plan for 2022, which President Joe Biden signed in March.


It sounds like another laundromat converting your hard-earned and increasingly worthless dollars into pay and benefits for political “friends and family.”

Is this research happening in Ukraine, by any chance? I’m asking for a friend.

And if you do this, could you at least devise a clever name? How about the Ministry of Shade? As in throwing it at the planet, people you’ve labeled climate “deniers,” whoever.

And please tell me you’re doing the work in some secret underground lair like the one I attributed to Gates when he backed the idea.


Where technicians and guards wearing matching uniforms (with different colored stripes) hurry along roughly hewn tunnels to do his bidding.

Chrome and glass, women in ecru mini dresses with matching boots. It’s not as nice as Jeff Bezos,’ but it will do.




Harvard professor David Keith, who first worked on the topic in 1989, said it’s being taken much more seriously now. He points to formal statements of support for researching sunlight reflection from the Environmental Defense Fund, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the creation of a new group he advises called the Climate Overshoot Commission, an international group of scientists and lawmakers that’s evaluating climate interventions in preparation for a world that warms beyond what the Paris Climate Accord recommended.

To be clear, nobody is saying sunlight-reflection modification is the solution to climate change. Reducing emissions remains the priority.


In other words, even if spraying dangerous toxins into an atmosphere we clearly don’t understand worked (at the beginning of a decade’s long-estimated-grand solar minimum), you’ll still need to give up the comforts of western civilization.

Related: Hiding the Decline – Global Temperatures are Down 15% from 2016


We’ll all benefit from a colder planet with fewer fossil fuels. If that’s inconvenient to lesser mortals, so be it. And that fits their agenda, but I doubt Biden’s 5-year plan (yes, it is a self-admitted 5-year plan) will do more than turn tax dollars into campaign donations.

The only climate they are the least bit interested in changing is the one where you might vote them out of office.



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