Bill Gates Does 180? – “We Need to Fix the Three Problems of [mRNA] Vaccines”

Supervillain Bill Gates wants to block the sun (climate change), censor speech, and he is one of the global oligarchs attempting to implement a New World Order. But he just took a 180 on the cabal’s pharmaceutical priorities, which seems odd.

Gates has been one of their biggest boosters (hee-hee), but he’s concluded that they have problems that need fixing.

“The current vaccines are not infection blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

In other words, the people he has long sought to censor for reporting or repeating what he calls medical misinformation were …right? Did you get that? That’s what I heard though I don’t believe he ever says it.

But he invested in them and probably made a few more billions which – and he’s not saying this either – you paid for through government buys of billions of doses in the US, and likely elsewhere through the generosity of Democrats adding generational debt and debt service.

That, coincidentally, IS for the children.

As for “Dr.” Gates, he’s just a guy with money, which makes him appealing to media outlets, but he could use that muscle to do some good. And as I understand it, part of the problem with “the vaccines” was deploying them in the middle of the pandemic. It was epidemiologically meaningless if the plan was to stop the spread even before it became a well-regarded fact that it could never do that. What it could do was encourage, in those few weeks of negligible efficacy – assuming you survived the side effects – the virus to mutate.

That worked!

We were forced to ignore early treatment and prevention in favor of the warp-speed juice that successfully accelerated SARS CoV2’s natural (as with all Flu) inclination to evolve. The Alphabet soup of variants followed, producing further harms we were still prohibited from treating with cheap, safe, available alternatives like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The idea that this appeared deliberate has been difficult to ignore. Incompetence on this scale seems unlikely, so ill will have become the default position, with goons like Gates at or near the top of the list.

The depopulation and Climate Cult sermons do not help Bill, which makes it difficult to accept that Gates’ fix has anything to do with better treatments that save or improve lives.

We suspect he has other motives but admit this admission is unexpected.



Disclosure: I use products sold by Bill’s tech empire every day.

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