The Left Pivots from No Farms No Food to – No Farms!

I’m still amused by how the non-GMO Left promoted the genetically modified (and some would suggest gene-altering) COVID-19 Vaccines. But then who says, “You don’t need a gun ‘cuz cops,” and then says, “You don’t need cops”? The Left.

Related: What if Organic Farming Were “Worse” Not “Better?”

Next up, and this is not our first dance with this topic, farms. The Netherlands has been at war with its farmers for over a year, doing its best to put them out of business because making food grow in the ground and harvesting it is terrible for the planet and the people they want living on it.

Remember, these are not just the no farms, no food people; they also virtue signal the need to end world hunger which GMOs can help accomplish, and for which farms are a requirement. The Left’s response to the need for more food (a few years back) was to put more food in gasoline, but now the plan is to end both: no farms, no food, no ethanol, no anything.  [There is no Dana, only Zuul.]

Closer to home, Globalist Goons like Bill Gates or the Chinese, or both, are buying up ranches, farmland, any land, and freeing it from the dangers of cattle or farming. Goon Gates is simultaneously funding bioengineered meat, which – and I’m no expert – sounds a lot like something the Left’s anti-GMO stooges should oppose, and not just because of how much more CO2 is emitted to make it. It’s engineered in a lab. If that’s okay, when can we expect to see the No Labs, No Food bumper stickers

You can’t, after all, put a solar panel on the roof of a label, but not on farmland where you expect to grow anything but weeds and wild grass. And if we are ever to get anywhere near net anything (and yes, it is still mathematically impossible), there needs to be as much open land covered with the damn things as possible, overshadowed by the forest of wind turbines scattered about as space permits.

No farms, no food, no cattle, but lots of solar and wind farms.

And no worries. The American elites will have their food flown in from non-stupid countries to which they offshored their agricultural emissions just like they offshored their energy emissions, and thanks to the incredibly high carbon footprint of wind and solar, we’ll have greater emissions but fewer of us, which is the carbon they were trying to reduce this whole time.

If there are no farms, there is no food, and that appears to be the plan. To control food to control people.


no farms no food no food

Or we could resist. Maybe. At least a little?


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