Fake Meat-Fraud Prediction – They’ll Market it Like COVID Vaccines and Hide What’s Bad About It.

Turning corn into fuel was a bad idea, but the politicians love their cornogrpahy. That slutty little dance they do to get lobbying groups to put cash in the campaign g-strings. I think the fake meat craze is next on the list, and Gates and Bezos are ready with fat stacks of bills in hand.

Both men are investing deeply into fake meat. Gates is even buying up farmland to prevent cattle grazing and – very likely – to grow whatever they’ll be putting in those patties.

And that’s the first dirty secret. You’ll need a lot of frame land to grow the plants needed for plant-based meat or chicken. Gates and Bezos are also invested in a new company whose fake meat foundation is built on fungus. Yum! But you’ll need to grow that too. More land you won’t be able to use for all the solar farms we’ll need to make all that fake meat (or charge electric car batteries).

Farming – and I’m sure I read this somewhere – makes a significant CO2 contribution to the environment. It requires killing everything on or above the land just to get started. You’ll need farm equipment that won’t or can’t be battery-powered. There will be fertilizer, chemicals, and pesticides to protect the plants, which will wash into the water table and rivers, which also used to be bad for the environment.

And we’ve not even made a burger or nugget yet.

Manufacturing is carbon-intensive, and we could go on, but what about the thing when it is finally produced? According to a life-long vegetarian, Dr. Amy Myers, it’s not good for you.

It is loaded with additives and carbohydrates that spike your sugar levels. Most will include corn (see above, plus – if you’re into it, not non-GMO and more pesticides). Even the Gluten-free versions use stuff your body may identify or mishandle as gluten if you are sensitive. They require plant proteins contaminated with gluten and soy, which I guess is bad. And they do not and will never include essential proteins and fatty acids the human body needs that only come from eating meat.

What do I care?

If you are an adult into fake meat, have at it. Please put it on the shelf, and let it compete with natural beef (or chicken). But allow it to compete.

The Government has already engaged in policies that make real meat more difficult and expensive. Propaganda campaigns consistently lie about the amount of CO2, the carbon footprints of competing products and industries, and the actual impact of “manmade” CO2 on the planet (next to none or zero).

Fake meat has no environmental benefit, but if you want in, knock yourself out. Just don’t hide your head in the s nd. Wealthy interests with globalist connections and government help are trying to price you out of real meat while subsidizing the fake stuff. Advocates inside and outside of the Government will profit. And to protect that financial model, they will lie to you.

Not long from now, I predict you’ll see it treated a lot like the COVID vaccines.

Big media and Big Tech will slander the opposition. Corporate media will be well compensated for advertising while being encouraged not to write unfavorable stories. The Government will incentivize it at the federal level through welfare programs. They will pour money into state programs (as with COVID) that discourage honest analysis of fake meat’s bad or ugly.

People who dare to question fake meat orthodoxy will be labeled deniers or hesitant.

Big beef will get the same treatment as Big Oil.

And the entire time, fake meat will have never been as good as they say or as green as they say or as safe as they say and will probably become less of all of the above but saying so will make you an outcast.

Mark the date.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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