RINO what do you expect cartoon

Republican Primary: The RINO Report – WINS!

by Skip

We’ve been pointing out some of the worst RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) that decided to run in Tuesday’s primaries across the State.  Thanks to Spec for compiling these records where “RINO” is defined as a vote by a given NH State Rep that ran contrary to the majority of Republicans on a given bill.

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RINO (when you elect) - notice j

RINO Report: Betty Gay

Salem has a 13 for 9 primary, the second largest (after Derry) of all towns. Sadly not a single one of the candidates has an excellent voting record. Four have records that are average, neither bad nor good. One has a mediocre-poor record, and one has a terrible record.

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Meet the GOP Fascists

This follows up on a post by Steve about the eleven GOP Representatives who joined the Democrats in voting against repealing the law establishing no-free-speech zones outside abortion clinics. I previously posted about the no-free-speech zones: Planned Parenthood’s contention that the law is about safety is laughable. The law does not limit itself to obstructing, … Read more

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