GOP Should Replace Elephant With Ostrich

How was the 2020 election rigged? Let us count the ways … or better yet let’s just peruse this article in the Federalist: … 2020 was unlike any election in American history. One need not declare that it was “stolen” to admit that it was obviously rigged. After all, the people and institutions that rigged it … Read more

Manchester Law Firm (McLane Middleton) Sues to Require All Cities & Towns to Accept “Harvested” Ballots, and “Post-Election” Ballots

This: First, let’s take a quick look at who is behind this lawsuit … Democrat Super-Lawyer, Marc Elias: So … as if it is not already bad enough that we have Governor Sununu giving the Democrats “no-excuse” absentee voting AND we have Democrats in Nashua and likely elsewhere exploiting COVID-absentee-voting to engage in absentee-ballot-request-harvesting … … Read more

Rigged Election: NH-Democrats’ Ballot-Harvesting in Full Swing.

This: Note that “Brenna” submitted all 27 absentee requests. To begin with, if you do not have the mental capacity or the motivation to submit your own absentee ballot … you should NOT be voting. That simple. Next, query where those absentee ballots will be sent … to “Brenna”, to some other Democrat operative or … Read more


What Government is ALLOWING you to do…

by Skip

…versus what it is DEMANDING you do. Or, at least those “behind” government. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin Stalin? Democrats?  They ARE all about who counts the votes. Ask yourself, WHY is it that it is just Democrats that are absolutely WAILING for all voting … Read more

The Limitless (Constitutional) Hypocrisy of the Democrats

This: I’m not going to opine on the dispute between Sununu and the Democrats about who controls the Coronavirus money shipped to the State by the Feds. That’s besides the point. The point is that the Democrats don’t really give a damn about the Constitution. It is, to them, just something to be invoked when … Read more


Sununu Has No Authority to Allow Mail-in-Voting

So on April 8th, President Trump tweeted this: And on April 10th, Governor Sununu announced that he was allowing Mail-in-Voting: Sununu has no legal authority to allow Mail-in-Voting, but let’s first dispose of the claim that Sununu has not done so. From the link in Sununu’s tweet: 4. September 8, 2020 Primary and November 3, … Read more

VoterFraud Alert: NH’s Assault-Rep Pushes Ballot Harvesting During House’s Unnecessary All-Nighter

So what vital business kept the New Hampshire House in session all night? Well, one bill was the already vetoed no-excuse absentee balloting or … more accurately … ballot-harvesting bill: Rep. Katherine Rogers is perhaps better known as New Hampshire’s “Assault-Rep”:  A local Democrat and state representative pleaded guilty this morning to assaulting a political opponent during … Read more

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