California or Bust… and go broke

California or Bust … and Go Broke

California or Bust … and Go Broke. The Okies had it pretty much right. Today in the Golden State, 341,000 state and local government employees earn more than $100,000 in salary or pension payments. The statistics in this post come from and their article in RealClear Politics. Don’t worry; the HEROES Act will bail … Read more

Sanctioning Government Plunder and Big Money in Politics

Bio Mess EnergyYou probably didn’t know this but in an offline thread Skip and Jim Rubens traded debate ‘punches’ on Mr. Sununu’s veto of Biomass subsidies. We have opposed the plunder. Mr. Rubens considered the Biomass bailout to be worthwhile.

In an email, via Jim, Jim gives a nod to that debate and perhaps others and then defends his support to override Governor Sununu’s veto.

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GrokTALK! – Balsams And Bailouts And Boondoggles, Oh My!

Senate Bill 30 makes changes to state law that could allow a never ending series of taxpayer backed bailouts of private ventures.  The first of these, which is what motivated the legislation, is the Balsams Bailout- a time-share resort / Money pit.  Kimberly Morin sat through the hearing for the bill and gives us an … Read more

Three Million Dollar Taxpayer Funded FRM Bailout?

Today there will be a House Committee vote on SB180, a bill establishing a taxpayer funded bailout fund for investors who got swindled by the FRM Mortgage ponzi scheme. I’ll be honest.  I’m not interested in any particulars on this.  The amended cost for the legislation is $3,000,000.00 dollars (initially) to pay off investors who read some paperwork  … Read more

Taxpayers Now Out 25 Billion

The Government Buy-up and Bail-out of General Motors saved union jobs while arbitrarily eliminating  tens of thousands of non-union jobs at dealerships, put taxpayers on the hook, and at present will cost us at least 25 Billion in losses as the value of the automaker “we own” a part of continues to decline. Had they … Read more

Mysterious Folder Conundrum

Love Birds

Suppose you fall in love with someone who is good looking, well groomed, and has lots of potential.  Let’s say you two lovebirds decide to get married.  Giddiness and joy all around…congratulations.

One day, you are at the supermarket, casually buying grapes (so you can feed them to your love, like they do in the old-timey movies), when a shadowy person comes up behind you and hands you a sealed folder.  The mystery person whispers in your ear and says…

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