The Squad AOC Omar Talib and Pressley

Time to Pull the Plug on Progressives

Progressive in politics is a misnomer. Progressives have no interest in enhancing the state of our nation but rather in tearing it down and rebuilding it in their image. This philosophy is why Progressives aim to eradicate the country’s history and repaint it in as bad a light as possible.

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So protecting unborn babies is now RAAACIST?

Flabbergasted. I just have no idea how these people go from point A to point “KILL THE BABIES or you’re a racist!”! Over at PJ Media comes the news that two Congressional Socialists have twisted the original intent of both the Hyde and Helms Amendments (preventing taxpayer monies to be expended domestically and internationally on … Read more


Bernie Sanders: It Is No Coincidence His Initials Are BS

Bernie Sanders. It is no coincidence that his initials are, “B.S.” I cannot figure out if he is dumb, ignorant or both. Bernie Sanders never held a real job in life. Bernie Sanders’ first stable paycheck came by way of election to the office of mayor for Burlington Vermont.

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