Grammar is hard. It’s harder if you’re a hoplophobe.

  Letter: Gun sellers are profiting off the coronavirus panic – Posted Mar 20, 2020 at 5:56 PM March 18 — To the Editor: In our time of health crisis, much outrage has been directed towards the people in this country who stockpiled hand sanitizers, face masks, cleaning supplies and the like. The scorn they receive is well deserved, … Read more

Biff Burt is onto something

Some of you have seen ads like the one above, for presidential candidate Biff Burt.  In this one, he promises free ammunition to all Americans if they elect him president.  In a different ad, he promises to give away money.

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I’m confused….

So, you can’t make a gun out of a strawberry pop tart but you can use the word “bullet” in a letter to the Prez?  

Blogline of the Day: Hey, we got less than you and we’re in a war!

by Skip

Iraq?  Afghanistan? No, it is not the US Army complaining that Big Sis’s Department of Homeland security has more small arms ammo than they do (although if I was the Army, I would be complaining and wanting my MRAPs back too). Nope, a different war: Just heard audio from Syrian rebel who says, “We have less … Read more

GAO to Investigate Ammunition Stockpiling By Federal Agencies

AmmoThe Government accountability office (GAO) has begun looking into why the Obama administration is arming agencies with enough ammo to sustain the average war for 27 years?  Good question.  We’ve been wondering that ourselves.  Why would a guy who claimed that the country needed a civilian national security force be arming the department of education, and…as you’ll hear in the video on the jump, fisheries agents who apparently need 46,000 rounds of hollow points to…do some redneck fishin’ ?

Hollow points?

More ammunition than the military needs for almost three decades of heavy fighting in Iraq?  Hmmm.  Federal agencies need 80 years worth of “practice” ammo?  If it were a Republican president creating a civilian national security force would Democrats be dirtying their Maggie Hassan supplied adult diapers so quickly that they couldn’t change them fast enough?  You bet.  But this is Obama.  Any suggestion that he might actually be arming a civilian security force–see also: a personal army–well that would be crazy talk.

But the GAO wants to know.  And we can’t wait for the leaks to begin about how the Obama Admin is trying to pressure them to back off.

Great video on the jump–from of all places, USNews online.


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I doubt you’ll see this on doubleyouemyouare:

“CO State Rep. Diana DeGette (D) “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been … Read more

Full of Noise and Fury…

As if it even matters… Comcast Cable, “the nation’s largest cable provider,” has decided it will not accept firearm and ammunition advertisers in the future. This decision comes after Comcast has been running ads for some gun and hunting groups for decades. Comcast chose this new position after purchasing NBCUniversal, which has a long-standing ban … Read more

There are Thousands of Left Wing Ironies in the Naked City…This is Just One of Them.

Lucky 7 ?

If Governor Cuomo was Veruca Salt would it sound like this…”I want the stricter gun legislation  now Daddy!”

Well he got it, and the State of New York’s Blue-Print, fast tracked gun legislation is the poster child for the “we must do something now” crowd and exemplifies–unintentionally I might add–the kind of “equality” progressives believe they can legislate into existence. Sort of.

There is no exception in the New York Gun bill for New York’s finest meaning that no one, including law enforcement, may use or carry a magazine that holds more than seven rounds of ammunition.


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