In NH the Firearms Industry is an ‘Essential Business’ During Stay at Home Order

We shared the news of the sort-of, kind-of, stay-at-home order issued by New Hampshire Governor Sununu. And this morning we added the details of what that order means. One fact we want to emphasize: the firearms industry is considered an essential business in the Granite State.

Related:  NH Issues Guidance on EO#17 – Closure of Non-Essential Businesses and the Stay At Home Order

Right alongside hospitals, grocery stores, and logistics (shipping and transportation) is guns and ammo.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation® is pleased to report that “firearm and ammunition manufacturers and retailers” were included in the list of “Essential Businesses.” The order also includes “suppliers and distributors.”

NSSF thanks Gov. Sununu for labeling firearm and ammunition manufacturers and retailers essential services, allowing local law enforcement and individuals to continue to obtain necessary firearms, ammunition, accessories and safety-related items. During times of emergency, self-protection and protection of loved ones is vital.

We can’t help but agree.

Gun stores, gun makers, and all the good stuff you need to use them properly will continue to be manufactured, distributed, and sold in New Hampshire during the month of April. So, keep your eyes open from some deals. Not that there is any need to drive traffic to these businesses. The Media scaremongering and government action is more than enough to motivate law-abiding citizens to embrace their constitutionally protected right to Self-Defense.

It’s almost as if Obama were still president.

Wait. When Obama was president 56 million infections in the US and 12,000 dead weren’t shut-down-the-economy worthy. But we’d still be buying guns and ammo ‘cuz, Obama was the best gun salesman in US History!

| Daily Caller


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