Graph Data Data point

Data Point – “The Rot in Higher Education”

Sadly, even this chart shows it. The Left is beginning to go after those subjects that have been presumed “objective” when compared to the “soft” departments where “feelings” seem to count more than Right Answer / Wrong Answer:

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Liberty and Justice for All; A Statement of Reaffirmation

The Corner (at National Review) has a serious post that I consider to be an opening shot against the Marxism that has taken hold in Academia. That, in the last two or three years, has burst out of that bubble in screams of Totalitarianism, Safetyism, and Presentism.

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Narratives or facts and truth

Narratives or Facts and Truth

Narratives or facts and truth; what’s the difference? The news media are projecting a “narrative”. The fact news people are doing narratives, that the word is part of the lexicon conveys a message. We are in trouble.

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Like I have been saying for years…

Socialism arrived on our shores because of American “scholars” that wanted to show others that they were smarter than our Founders… …in that putting the State above Individuals was such a hot idea.  Problem is, its a REGRESSIVE idea; its been the manner and worldview of totalitarianism for since time began – the small elite … Read more

Disarming America, Moving Toward Tyranny?

“People love conspiracy theories.” Neil Armstrong

Not so much. Yes…The internet is awash with all sorts of conspiracy theories that spin tales of how the government is going to disarm the populace and tyranny shall rule the day. A considerable amount of what is out there amount to no more than “Tin-foiled hat-wearing” doomsayers who probably didn’t get enough attention, Ritalin or positive feedback as kids. It’s there.

But on the other hand, Some of the stuff is well-written and compelling enough to literally scare the “bejesus” out of impressionable young souls. Am I dismissing much of it? Yes.  But not for the

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What is it with Professors Believing they are Arrogant Kings of their Classrooms?

concealed carry shorts
Image from Masada Tactical Blog

Professors – what is it that convinces them that just because they are smart in their small “micro-field”, that expertise automatically  transfers to them the right to supercede the Rule of Law?  I’ve already had one run-in with a local professor:

Bad laws are required to be broken by people of conscience and my conscience is the highest authority. If a person with a gun refuses to leave my class, then I will announce that the class is over and I will leave. If the student in question insists on carrying a gun to future classes, then I will have no choice but to turn the class into an on-line class so that I can ensure the safety of my students. People who make these foolish rules are out of touch with reality and any rules they make must be trumped by morality and reason.

My response:

Just as he seemingly scoffs at the rules at Plymouth State. His last Letter stated that if someone continually brought a gun to his class that he’d “have no choice but to turn the class into an on-line class”. Well, I could and he can’t – I called Plymouth State and verified that your grandiose statement aside, you do not have the legal authority to do that.  Leo [Leo Sandy, that is], just because you say something is true doesn’t make it so.

Master of the Universe in his own mind, and the same thing again with this one? I understand that many years have been spent in acquiring that sheepskin that has Ph.D on it – and getting to that next step, that of tenure, can be fraught with anxiety over every little thing: have I written enough, have I published enough, have I taught enough, have I said enough right things and none of the bad (have I said anything that is politically incorrect?) so as to have culled myself from the mono-mindset herd?  And, have I kissed enough butts and sucked up to the right people?

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If s/he does want to be referred to as a “he” or a “she”, is this a case of too much watching of “The Munsters”?

Is this the point at which the LGBT<XYZ> movement jumps the shark?  From The Corner (Mark Steyn):

George Leef over at NRO’s PhiBetaCons had a teasing link to this exciting news earlier today:

Harvard has appointed Vanidy “Van” Bailey as the College’s first permanent director of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer student life. Bailey, the assistant director for education at the University of California, San Diego, will assume the new position on July 16.

Alas, this long overdue shattering of the BGLTQ ceiling was marred by The Harvard Crimson’s grossly insensitive coverage:

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