Like I have been saying for years…

by Skip

Socialism arrived on our shores because of American “scholars” that wanted to show others that they were smarter than our Founders…

…in that putting the State above Individuals was such a hot idea.  Problem is, its a REGRESSIVE idea; its been the manner and worldview of totalitarianism for since time began – the small elite with serfs.  The Founders had the opposite, and most radical idea: to turn that relationship upside down: Individuals over Government. Squarely in the focus and mainstream of the Classic Western Liberalism (and not “Liberals” as Democrats USED to call themselves).

During this Presidential primary season especially, we are bombarded by the Left with calls of “People over Profit”. The idea is that corporations are EVIL and that the Democrat politicians are rushing to “save” us from their clutches. In doing so, they are nothing more than sleight of hand artists. “We shall save you from the corporations over you” and never say that in order to “protect us from this crisis”, they will institute Government over the People – it is your ONLY hope!

In short, the Progressives are striving mightily to return us to the ancien regimes when Government ruled rather than governed lightly.  Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson – the first Progressives that rejected the strictures of the Constitution having been drawn to these “new ideas” of social engineering to “evolve” the masses towards a new Utopia. And so it has been for a century and a half.

And now we see the full results coming out of Academia with speech codes, rejection of our Founders, hatred of traditional American norms, hatred of any ideas running counter to their own, and a severe case of “American self-loathing”, haughtily dismissing the precepts of our underlying Judeo-Christian heritage, and the values of the Constitution that protects us from Government as a philosophy that should be consigned to the dust bin of history due to their “elevated” sense of moral superiority over the rest of us.

Leading to a complete dismissal and “Othering” of those that stand in their way, feeling it is their right to rule.

The foundations, not of continued Freedom, but of a totalitarianism to come.

(H/T: Powerline)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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