Would They Kill Him if They Had Too?

There has been much speculation about the lengths to which the Left-Led Bordeau-sipping, uniparty ruling-class political supremacists might go to keep Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. Would they, could they, have him killed? Surprise, they have a similar problem with Joe Biden.

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Our Modern Day Version

America is in need of another declaration! Our first was presented in a written form, but in today’s fast-paced world, ears are more adaptable to our living styles. As with America’s first declaration, today’s version also declares an abrupt turnaround from what is current, and in both instances, America’s abrupt turnaround comes from a highly credible source.

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Joe Biden youtube pistol brace rule

Biden’s Policies And Swing State Polls

Many Presidents have tempered their policy positions while campaigning for or during their second term. Bill Clinton was praised by many for his move toward the middle, allowing him to get much accomplished in his second term. What Joe Biden has been doing the last few weeks is evidence his reelection staff is in panic mode.

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US House of Repesentatives C-SPAN

So What Was in Those Impeachment Articles against Trump Way Back in 2019?

I am sorry to learn that Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race today. He was one of the few governors to eschew the vax mandates. The New Hampshire presidential primary is only 40 hours away. The Dem candidates include Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips, but not Biden, as he refused to participate. The only two big Repub candidates remaining are Trump and Nikki Haley.

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Donald Trump announces 2024 run

“Been There, Done That”

Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donald says: “ Trump has been there and done that!” Let’s see why: Trump secured the Southern and Northern borders. No Republican candidate has done that. Biden has allowed 10 million illegals (80% of military age) to infiltrate the United States and plans to continue this invasion. Nikki opposed the wall.

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Trump CNN Town hall

We Need the Tough Guy

I don’t think we have ever seen a candidate for national office who took this much abuse from the mainstream media. It was 96% negative press for Trump. Almost no mention of his tax cuts, his reduction in crippling federal regulations, which brought back manufacturing that Obama had sent to China.

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