I don’t think we have ever seen a candidate for national office who took this much abuse from the mainstream media. It was 96% negative press for Trump. Almost no mention of his tax cuts, his reduction in crippling federal regulations, which brought back manufacturing that Obama had sent to China.
Trump’s Abraham Accord to settle long term grievances in the Middle East. NATO was compelled to live up to the 1949 treaty to spend at least 2% of GDP on defense. Trump made the US energy independent, which grew our economy to its highest level in decades. Unemployment at record lows. Internationally, Trump would meet all our adversaries face-to-face. He knew he was operating from a position of strength, and he was not afraid to tell them potential damages that would befall them should they threaten our country. He dealt with Mexico and Canada and changed the Clinton-era trade deal that was not in the US’s best interest. He also got Mexico to stem some of the cross border illegal crossings.
Now, we see the total corruption that the Democrats have imposed on our federal government. Obama-Biden set the FBI and the DOJ into placing false charges on Trump before he even took office. Trump had to deal with career civil service types who supposedly took an oath to our constitution, but were deliberately making trouble for our elected President. Decades of Democrat control of our federal jobs have poisoned these people to a path of total self-serving and dedication to growing government no matter the cost.
Democrats are totally dedicated to the maxims of Vladimir Lenin. “The same lie told often enough becomes the truth.’ and “Always accuse your opponent of committing your own crimes.” Democrats are out to destroy our country and our way of life to please the Dictators of the World and the World Economic Forum. Some of our own billionaires are part of this. They all want a Global Economy where they and their chosen elites use the rest of us as obedient serfs.
Only Donald Trump is tough enough and smart enough to stop their campaign. No one person has ever executed as many deals in his favor. He has the long-term view like no one else, and is always several steps ahead of the other party.
There are signs that the majority of our population are wising up to the phony “WOKE” baloney and the economy destroying “Human caused Global Warming Hoax.” Honest scientists are showing the evidence of Solar variations that have been going on for thousands of years. Our consumption of fossil fuels will have less effect on these cycles than a couple of volcanoes. The huge fortunes arrayed against our freedoms will be hard to defeat. I would ask for no greater leader to take on this fight than Donald Trump. He has taken on all the corrupt abusers of our laws and court systems. We need Trump!