DEMbargo – Wealthy Left-Wing Donros Revolt: No Money Until Biden is Replaced

The battle over Biden continues as a small cadre of insiders circle the wagons to protect their political sugar daddy. The insiders aren’t interested in what’s good for the nation, and the outsiders aren’t either; they don’t want Trump to win and are convinced that Biden 2024 is the best thing to happen to Trump since Hillary Clinton.

To prevent that some are prepared to hold the checks and stop the fundraisers.

Screenwriter Damon Lindelof who has been a significant contributor to the party proposed on Wednesday a “DEMbargo”, withholding funding until Biden stands aside.

“When a country is not behaving how we want them to, we apply harsh economic sanctions. It’s a give and take – short term hurt for long term healing,” Lindelof wrote in Deadline.

According to CNBC, philanthropist Gideon Stein will pause almost all of a planned $3m in planned donations. “Virtually every major donor I’ve talked to believes that we need a new candidate in order to defeat Donald Trump,” Stein said.

On Wednesday, Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix and a Democratic party megadonor, joined calls for Biden to take himself out of the presidential race.

Netflix! Isn’t that the Obama network now? Barry must be at cross purposes. Joe has been his bitch, and now he needs a new one, but the Muppet won’t take a walk. That suggests to me that he’ll meet with the experts (The Clintons) to figure out how to blame the proud Boys for Joe’s timely departure before November. It’s not like Joe is going to go paddle boarding in Edgartown Great Pond.

Will The Bidencott work?

Abigail Disney, granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, who co-founded The Walt Disney Co., told CNBC on Thursday that she plans to withhold donations to the party she has funded for years until Biden drops out. The president has said he has no plans to withdraw from the race, despite calls for him to do so.

“I intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.

Walt’s wacky relative is one of many in her well-heeled position who insist they respect Joe (F you Tara Reade) but thinks he is clearly past his use-by date and risks poisoning the rest of the pantry if not removed and placed away from the other fruits in the progressive line-up. This desire runs in direct opposition to that small group of people (mostly named Biden) who might find themselves charged with any number of crimes if the Big Guy isn’t pretending to be President, and efforts to portray Biden as in his right mind aren’t having the desired effect.

The Debate debacle was just too much of a shock, as I noted here.

Nothing in recent memory seems to have confounded as many people in one evening at one time -around the world – as seeing Joe Biden a week ago, Thursday; Liberal people, mostly, mouths agape with the slightest patina of the crap sandwich the media has been feeding them still on their lips.

It was one of those ripped-off-bandaid paradigm-shifting moments when progressives realized that the media doesn’t just lie to independents and Republicans. Jarring! How Dare You! And Joe, of course, has no clue what’s going on. He does what they tell him while Jill Hunter and the rest of his family try to keep the wheels on the bus. But I don’t think they get it. Democrats who have been making excuses or Defending Joe have to run from him. If they don’t, they are not only guilty of not giving a damn about the nation but Democracy itself. All while (and this juicy) having to contend with their unabashed support for him during a primary in which Bdein was clearly not all there.

New Hampshire Democrats ran a massive and reported successful write-in campaign to ensure the Vegetable in Chief won the Democrat NH Primary and had a shot at winning the party nomination on purpose.

Happily for us, they have to live with that as we stumble, like Joe, toward election day 2024 with – perhaps – a lot less money than they’d hoped for, with a caveat to the doom bloggers: yes, they will try to steal the election, no matter what. The problem is, how do you steal something when you may need to do it in more than just a handful of swing states?


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