American Exceptionalism – hoping it is more than a campaign slogan

This caught my eye as one of the things that Romney said after announcing that Paul Ryan was to be his Veep pick:

“I love America. We’re going to restore American principles. We love this country. We don’t want to change it. We don’t want to transform it. We want to restore the principles of America that made us the hope of the earth.”

Again, I ask you, loyal reader, to compare that, going back to our Founders vision, to what Obama has said:

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When the Left starts “Memory Holing” pictures and stories, you’re on the Right track!

Mike Kruglik - Obama in the White HouseThe ‘Grok is doing its part on exposing what has been run on a semi-stealth process here in NH – the Federal Government’s implementation of President Obama’s promise made just before his inauguration: “We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States”.

As Tom’s post / series thus far has been pointing out (Part 1, Part 2), there appears to be an effort by HUD / EPA / DOT to subvert local control and local zoning for environmental and “sustainable” reasons only.   But the real story is not just subverting local control with Federal control of the Environment.

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America’s Comeback Team

Well, perhaps this is now a real Phase II of the Romney campaign – on the idea of “the fish rots from the head down”.  We’ve been treated to a non-stop litany of the Obama campaign trying to paint Romney as their worst nightmare – and he is.  A believer in the Free Markets (compared to Obama), one that believes in the Rule of Law (compared to the Obama Administration), and one that believes that you pull your own weight in Society (as opposed to the Entitlement Society promulgated at great cost by the Obama Administration).

Steve has the video here that shows the fatal flaw of Obama – himself.

This image is the opening of the new campaign site.  The important phrase:

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It’s Game Time! Romney / Ryan vs Obama / Biden

Romney-RyanWas at another event last nite and was rather tired when I got home so only a wee bit of surfing was done.  I did note that one post (somewhere) noted that a chartered plane had flown from Boston, landed in Chicago, and then made its way to an airport near Congressman Paul Ryan’s home town.  Typical caveat was given – head fake or real?

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Romney’s Tax Records And The Idiot Cabral

“Is being an idiot like being high all the time?”  —Janeane Garofalo

MSNBC‘s Michael O’Brien asserts, “Most Americans say Mitt Romney should release more of his tax returns,” citing a USA Today/Gallup Poll. So how many Americans is “most Americans?” According to the poll, 54%. Certainly, that is 4% more than half. But curiously, the margin of error citing in the poll is +/-5 percentage points, based on a national survey of 539 adults. Also in this poll, Forty-seven percent call the issue of releasing tax returns in general, “largely irrelevant...”

CNBC? Yeah..[insert yawn here] more of the same blather. CNBC adds this little morsel of info:

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Toadie? Or bootlicker?

From The Corner: NPR’s Horsley: By the time the President finished speaking, the rain had stopped, and a little sunshine was peeking through the clouds. That gave David O’Donnell of Portsmouth one more reason to be impressed with Mr. Obama. Rally Participant O’Donnell: See what his voice does? It clears up the weather, too. It … Read more

Data Point – 538 polling averages for NH

Even though the national race seems to be widening (“don’t get cocky, kid!”), that may not spill over to every state.  Like I said here, the Prez race here in NH is going to be real close – a game of percentages for those Electoral College votes.  To show how close, I saw a link … Read more

Why is it so hard to get a simple answer to a simple question; has NH Romney Victory Fund Communication Director Tommy Schultz been taking lessons from Jay Carney?

“Tell me, anyone see an answer to my original question in there?  Does anyone see a promise in there to the question I asked?  Does anyone see ANYTHING in there on illegal alien amnesty, the original topic?…This is like a Bible preaching Pastor given a zoning ordinance to influence what he preaches from his pulpit.”

We get campaign folks reaching out to us all the time – in the last few years the New Media has become more important in shaping and reporting on the news.  Certainly to the latter, we try to get off the proverbial couch and get out to the local events and provide coverage (part of our citizen journalism here at the ‘Grok).  To the latter, I still think that I like Jon Henke’s description of political bloggers and the advice he gives to politicians in dealing with bloggers (paraphased):

“Bloggers are like Pastors with a flock in their church.  That Pastor has sole control of that pulpit and does influence all those that come to listen to him make pronouncements and giving opinions that they will listen to.  Why?  They keep coming back, Sunday after Sunday, to listen for more.  They have learned to take those words and evaluate them for truthfulness; the fact that they keep coming back means they have vetted  those words.

So too with bloggers – they are not your followers and they are not your staffers.  Yes, they make like (or tolerate) you, but their first calling is to their readership and their independence.  They are the gatekeepers to the folks you are trying to reach.  Approach them as you would a Pastor –  or you may not like the result.”

Tommy Schultz, the NH Romney Victory Fund Communications Director (and yes, that is how he signs his emails; I asked if he wanted to be called Tom, Tommy or something else – he said Tommy) should have been given that advice before he called me.  He also should have listened better when I told him:

Remember, I warned you that we go after both Rs & Ds (and savor every moment doing so).

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A couple of things about Organizing For America / NH that has me scratching my head

Anybody wanna buy OFANH.ORG and OFANH.COM cheap?


This graphic was at the front page of the NH Democrat Party website.  As part of trying to find out if the NH Dems were going to be consistent with insisting that NH Supporters should not have to present ID to get into Obama’s Durham event, given that they do not support presenting IDs for voting.

A curious thing – I followed the Please contact your local OFA-NH Office here and there were a bunch of offices listed across the state.  Like this one for Concord:   



Well, I looked at the email address and saw the domain name: OFANH.COM.  I didn’t think much of it, but being the curious kind, I decided to go visit the site, OFANH.COM.



Heh!  Not even a re-direct for the “Forget about shooting straight, this is the Gang that can’t pick up the gun”?

Here’s what I found when I decided follow it out:

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The most arrogant….

“The most interesting arrogant man in the world” (H/T: Reuters) REALLY?  Reuters?  One of the Obama boosting MSM?  Yup?  Do I dare issue a “If Obama has lost Reuters…”?  Or is it more of “Really?  Reuters is participating in the Alinskying of Obama?”

Racists you say? Who’s the racist??

  Again, Liberals / Progressives / Pragmatists have one huge, obvious failure: consistency across issues.  This shows it quite easily.   Oh yes,  note that new word – Pragmatist.  They wore out Progressive last century,  switched to Liberal (but keeping the same policies and stances) and are NOW trying to switch to another word to … Read more

Venture Capitalism. Obama really wants to put up his record?

Really?  Does Obama truly believe that just because his outlook is a  “government-centered”, that his version of venture capitalism using public tax money is better than private money?  Sure does – he keeps spending more and more of it.  Problem is, like many Progressives, he places more importance on the intent than the results:

(H/T: Hot Air )

It is rather amusing to watch the official Prez Press Flack Carney twisting behind the podium to explain this:

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Data Point – Bush vs Obama spending

In the blogosphere and in the Campaign, much is still being made of the Bush spending and the meme that the Obama campaign wants to spread that Obama is frugal.  One rebuttal is here.  Here is another one: (H/T: PJmedia)

42% Of Democrats Prefer NoBama! – Part 2

As Mike pointed out earlier, Arkansas and Kentucky Democrats only gave Obama 60% of their votes.  This is really embarrassing  to his campaign and certainly to the Democrat Machine and the only real explanation that is plausible is it is his policies – too liberal, too costly, too out of the American mainstream, and too … Read more

Blogosphere line of the day – a cartoon character?

I was listening to Hannity when he was interviewing / speaking with Sarah Palin when she had this line:

“These Republican operatives seem to have the fighting instinct of Mr. Snuffleupagus,”

The context:

“Al Sharpton says there’s a war on Blacks. Howard Dean says that there’s a war on Latinos. Then, of course, there’s a war on the poor — throwing granny over the cliff — and, you know, even Mitt Romney hates dogs because he put a kennel on top of the car,” Hannity said. “But yet Republicans don’t seem as willing to fight the same way. I’m a little concerned about it…why repudiate people who will fight fire with fire?”

…“This phony, hypocritical, one-sided call for a cease-fire by the left and their lapdogs in the media. These leftists politicians saying ‘that’s going to be off the table, that’s going to be off the table,’” she said. “And then for the Republican operatives who are high-paid consultants to candidates agreeing to take things off the table — that’s no battle plan for victory on our side — on the common-sense constitutionalist side. It’s ridiculous.”

These Republican operatives, Palin maintained, “seem to have the fighting instinct of Mr. Snuffleupagus,” a Sesame Street character whom she said was always hiding, backing down and running the other direction. This, Palin maintained, isn’t what America needs.

I agree.

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