From the “Dragging him over the line” notebook – well, he’s got this Education point right.

In 2008, I was not the most thrilled to have John McCain to be the Republican nominee, at least until I was able to say “Yeah, I voted for Sarah Palin and the old white guy”.  At that time, however, I had a bad premonition about what an Obama Presidency would bring (yeah, I pretty much had it right as the future-now-history shows).  This time, it is Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee and once again, it’s back to “drag that candidate over the line” as the excitement for me for his candidacy just isn’t there.  It is back to the “vote against the other guy”, for if Obama is given a second term, the America that the Founders envisioned with respect to limited government and an emphasis on individual freedom may well be never seen again.

However, this from a speech that Romney gave today gave me a little smile:

First, I will expand parental choice in an unprecedented way.  Too many of our kids are trapped in schools that are failing or simply don’t meet their needs.  And for too long, we’ve merely talked about the virtues of school choice.

As President, I will give the parents of every low-income and special needs student the chance to choose where their child goes to school.  For the first time in history, federal education funds will be linked to a student, so that parents can send their child to any public or charter school, or to a private school, where permitted.  And I will make that choice meaningful by ensuring there are sufficient options to exercise it.

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They were on their parents’ insurance back then. So why is it the same now, President Obama?

Sure, the kids were on their parents’s insurance when they were small.  President Obama – why is it that all you can do for them now is “Hey, I put you on your parent’s insurance now that you’re still children adults!” – instead of crafting an economic environment that would allow them to get jobs … Read more

Heh! I’ve been saying the same thing to TMEW this whole week….

Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #5:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon

I also ran across this:

“Our job is a much simpler one: Point and laugh at all of it. The contortions, the spins, the lies — they’re all so pathetically and rib-achingly funny. In three-plus decades of watching politics, I’ve never witnessed anything so desperately, hysterically funny.”

TMEW (The Most Esteemed Wife) has had to put up with peals of hilarity all week long as I have watched one attempt after another by the Obama campaign to gain traction.  My take has been “This isn’t even the Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight”, these guys are the “Guys Who Can’t Even Pick Up the Gun”.

At every turn of trying to demonize Romney and the Right (after all, that is what Community Organizers do – they can’t build themselves up, they can only tear down others) with what Romney may have done wrong, the Right has been able to rebut the argument with something even worse (e.g., Romney cut some kid’s hair in high school – Obama admits do doing cocaine).  Set up a Twitter hashtag?  Watch conservatives hijack it.  Watch the political event like North Carolina voting for a Constitutional amendment affirming traditional marriage?  Just hold up a mirror to the real haters on the Left as they drop their “tolerance” masks.

As good as the Obama campaign was in 2008 with him as the unpainted canvas on which to be painted everybody’s Hope, this one is as bad.  This is the result of when you outsource your own Presidency actions to others (i.e., let Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the other Democrat Socialists put together Obamacare for universal healthcare, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to hamstring the financial sector, and the Green Environmentalists who wish to destroy the US Energy industry).

The other part of that above quote is after the jump:

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2012 Presidential Campaign: Buddy has the right idea – will Paul or Johnson?

We interviewed Buddy Roemer a lot during this primary season; he was a hoot to talk to and did have some interesting ideas.  But given that he is the former Governor of LA as well as one of its former Congressman (and building a billion dollar bank is no small feat), I always scratched my head wondering why he didn’t get even a wee bit more traction in the Republican field.  Then he decided to switch to that online “Party”, Americans Elect, and he kinda dropped off the radar screen.  But apparently, he kept us on his email list (emphasis mine):

Roemer Refuses to Play Spoiler

Baton Rouge, LA – Governor Buddy Roemer issued the following statement in regard to speculation of him being a “spoiler” for Governor Romney and/or President Obama:

…I run to win. I am not a single-issue candidate or someone who is merely trying to make a statement. I am not Ralph Nader. I am a former Governor of a corrupt state that I helped clean up; I am former four-term Congressman who worked closely with President Reagan to help our country; and for the last twenty years I have been a successful businessman creating jobs.

I am currently polling at 7% in the most recent national survey and I am confident once I receive the Americans Elect nomination that I can attain 15% standing which will then qualify me to participate in the national debates this fall. Obama, Romney and Roemer. Again, I run to win.

If, during the last month of the campaign I discover I have no realistic chance of winning, I will ask my supporters to vote their conscience or for their second choice so the issue of spoiler can be dropped once and for all.

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Data Point – Election snapshot

(H/T: Rasmussen)

In Obama’s world, all that matters is – Cool?

Snazzy. Cool.  Hip.  He’s all that: But is that all? Is that why someone wants to become President? Results?  Good Governance?  Who cares about that in our celebrity “15 minutes of fame” environment? I’d rather have concrete results.

Obama for America – FL: Wonder if they will report us to AttackWatch?

Every once in a while, something absolutely hilarious comes over the transom – this came in over Twitter: As Steve said about the question: Gee, I hope so. ‘Course, why are those Southern boys awantin’ to follow us Yankees?  Or are the OfA-NH tribe being lazy?

Speaking of the modern Democrat Party roots, here’s one of their results

When you give the reins of power, you have done so because of their rhetoric.  What you actually end up with is the results of their philosophy.  Like their actions not reflecting their rhetoric: Obama PROMISED, his minions PROMISED that the Stimulus would keep more Americans off the dole and gainfully employed if we just. … Read more

Describing Obama’s campaign styles in three words:

2008 – Hope and Change 2012 – Do my bidding (H/T: Fishersville Mike via Instapundit)

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