Actress and MMA Fighter Gina Carano on Biden OSHA Vax Mandate: “Do Not Comply”

Gina Carano, most recently from the Mandalorian, before Disney #woke up and decided she wasn’t their cup of tea is still refusing to toe the approved narrative. She took to Twitter to respond to the recent Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate.



That used to be the hew and cry of the left. In fact, it still is. Women have complete control over their bodies…except for COVID19 vaccination.

Carano is taking the true feminist approach. The less political one.

This truth either applies to everything or nothing and the government has demonstrated where it stands. It is only a matter of political opinion where and when this truth matters which means that at any point, now that you’ve given p that right, they can take the rest of them from you.

Her response to that is simple.

Your body does not belong to your employer, your school, or your government/

Do not comply.

We agree.

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