If Women “Controlled” Their Own Bodies They Wouldn’t Need Abortions

by Skip

If we sidestep the huge issue, for a moment, that a conceived baby doesn’t get a chance to control their own bodies when an abortion happens the Pro-Aborts folks will still have a cow over this cartoon.

Those of us in the real world see the wisdom with the pointed  come-back from Linus:


Lucy Control of womens bodies Linus if women controlled them abortions not needed Lucianne


Go ahead, change his mind.

Change mine – and it isn’t going to be “it’s MY body” because it was YOUR decision earlier to engage in an act in which there was a non-zero possibility that conception could happen. Unfortunately, the Left has done a marvelous word salad/redefinition with separating a now pregnant woman (note that I’m making fun of “pregnant people” and menstruating people” stupidity of the Left trying to “social contract” actual biology) and their baby.

Lump of tissue, non-sentient, even “post-birth abortion” are language tricks to fool the feeble-minded.

After all, how many pregnant women proudly say “My blastocyte/zygote/blastomere/embryo/fetus is due in <X number> of months | days!”?  No, it is always a baby, regardless of the Latin terms that simply describe the pathway of that 40-week gestational period..

As far as I’m concerned, I hope that Roe vs Wade is overthrown – it was badly decided with a “right” that isn’t. If it is overruled, abortion won’t immediately be illegal – but the Pro-Aborts are screaming like it will be.

It would continue to be an issue at the States level which is where it should be.

The Federal Government has no part in this – we have 50 State governments in which The People get to make that decision locally. And there will be nothing in the way of those that are willing to cast aside those new Lives by banding together, pooling their resources, and helping those that they will now call “marginalized” that can’t pay for such a procedure/travel.

Yet, they will never, EVER admit that what THEY are marginalizing forever is that little baby who will never draw their first breath, issue their first cry, or ever have the chance to look into their mother’s eyes with love and adoration.

Instead, they will be killed in cold blood. There is no other way of putting it. THAT is the REAL Control in all this – whether that baby lives or dies and everyone else just goes home to live their lives.

If you don’t like that your State does make it illegal, move. Move to a State in which the killing of unborn babies is legal. I hear that California’s Governor “Hair Gel” Newsom is now trying to set his State up to be an “abortion tourist State” – see the mountains, see the ocean, ski, hike, swim, surf, and get an abortion at the end of your vacation.  Who knows, maybe he’ll mandate that the horror rides at Disneyland will have Freddy on-call for on-site death clinics?

If you disagree, feel free to tell me that in the comments. At the same time, answer this: Why do you continue to deny that baby IS a baby?

(H/T: Lucianne.com)

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