You Haven’t Decarbonized a Damn Thing

Steve MacDonald

Vermont Public is playing with words again. A recent piece titled, “Vermont farmers say they need more gov’t help as climate change causes more extreme weather,” almost sounds like Vermont Farmers are saying they need help because of climate change.

After taking one for the team and reading the article, what they meant was that Vermont Public thinks climate change is causing extreme weather. The farmers need help because of that weather, but they only quote one farmer in this story who has anything to say about decarbonization, climate, and farming.

The words “Farmer says …” don’t have the same something-something as “Farmers” (plural). But then, neither does the opinion of a farmer who thinks CO2 is anything but airborne fertilizer that strengthens plants against extreme anything. CO2 is a farmer’s friend whether their farm has plants, animals that eat plants, or both.

The weather has always been a problem for farming long before anyone figured out you could use it (the weather) to scare people into giving up farms (comfort, prosperity, affordable energy, and free markets). Put another way, any farmer concerned with decarbonization should be raising crickets and grubs, which also eat things like plants and fruit.


[Norah] Lake produces vegetables and a variety of fruit. She lost about 90% of her apples and all her plums. But she hopes her pledge to reduce 90% of her farm’s carbon emissions by 2028 will inspire other farmers to do the same.

Sweetland has solar power on their roofs, is in the process of transitioning all their equipment to electric and is switching to using biofuel. Lake said events like the freeze remind her why she made the pledge.


Lake is living in a fantasy world where her commitment to the precepts of the Climate Cult has successfully offshored emissions up to the point where her green equipment reaches the end of life (sooner than later), or she has an EV vehicle fire that takes out a barn and everything in it. I’m not hoping for that. It’s none of my business if the Lakes spend their money on things they think matter, but that’s not how this works. Solar and EVs are propped up with tax money, manufacturing incentives, tax breaks, and other subsidies to make them almost affordable.

China has a monopoly on solar cells made with dirty coal. EV batteries are impossible to craft without metals open-pit mined by low-wage or slave labor in third-world countries. They are not just offshoring massive amounts of carbon emissions. They enable human rights violations and systemic ecological contamination with other people’s money.

You haven’t decarbonized a damn thing, and if CO2 is the problem, you say, you’re –virtue signaling is making matters worse.

And one more point. If you take money from the state or the Feds and don’t do what they say forever after, guess what other illusion comes tumbling down? The one where you think you still own that farm or control what happens on it.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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