Climate Committee Says Don’t Run Electric Heat Pumps at Night

Climate Change isn’t just about changing the climate outside. It is about you changing the climate inside becasue of their claims about the climate outside. It is undoubtedly a mental disorder, but the inmates running the asylum will not be persuaded to stop the madness.

If you’d like another example,


The U.K.’s Climate Change Committee, an independent statutory body established under the 2008 Climate Change Act and tasked with hectoring the nation over emissions targets, has urged millions of families not to heat their homes at night, reported the Telegraph.

In its “Sixth Carbon Budget” paper advising Parliament on the “volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037,” the CCC, which sets legally binding limits, implored households with electric-powered heating systems, including heat pumps, to shut off their radiators in the evening.


I find this fascinating in light of the current trajectory of the climate plan in neighboring Vermont. They are committed to moving everyone to electric heating systems and heat pumps despite the costs and lack of available power production to run them (faux-clean or otherwise). The UK, which has been a committed resident in this ‘green’ asylum for longer, though not much, puts it further along the inevitable path to failure, and they sound a lot like California, whose policies Vermont is aping. ‘Don’t charge your EV at night, turn off or turn down your AC – there isn’t enough electricity for the electrified future we’ve forced upon you.


What to some might come off as coercive social engineering, the CCC simply calls “behaviour change.”

Similar proposals, which in practice look like wartime rationing, have been advanced and executed in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California. However, in the case of California, the Independent System Operator had to call upon consumers to ration power because the state’s shift to renewable energy has left it with an unstable power grid and sporadic blackouts.


And despite all the trillions spent on wind and solar and this or that, you must not use the things we told you to use to save the planet … to save the planet.

Have you got that, especially in places that have not yet leaped off the cliff with only the promise that we will probably sprout green wings (and learn how to use them) before hitting the bottom?

Not likely, and we’ve posited that they all know this and don’t care. People emit CO2 as well, and a few billion fewer is as much a priority to those who aren’t worried you might freeze to death in your sleep.

So you will switch to heat pumps and switch them off when we say, or they will use those smart meters they made you get and do it for you.

Tyranny will, after all, always require a monopoly on the resources in decline due to its policies.


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