Another Global Warming Myth Needs To ‘Evolve’

Steve MacDonald

First it was no snow, and then it was yes snow.  We’d have extreme heat and no winters, but then it was to cause freezing cold and longer winters.  Rising seas, maybe not.  The Polar ice caps would melt except when they grew.  Tornadoes would happen except when they didn’t.  We’d have more forest fires, or maybe now it’s less.  And hurricanes–which were to be more frequent and severe–will now have to be re-globalwarmitized to be “fewer and less severe.”

no cat 3 storms

Hey, when your theory about the weather is proven by whatever the weather is, who needs a theory, right? 

Just have faith that they lobbyists, rent seekers, and politicians need your money for something and you’d better let them tax the crap out of you and spend it on whatever they want to fix it.

They could make the same case for fixing Monday.  If we don’t so something Monday will keep showing up and wrecking the rest of the week, and we’ve only got six months to deal with this or the ide-caps will melt and LA will be under water, and fire-breathing locust the size of panthers will fly out of massive super-storms and eat your children!

Don’t let fire-breathing locust the size of panthers eat your children.  Get Direct TV.


Note: Actual climate experts expect a few more hurricanes to reach landfall in the US this year, and it should be a stronger season than last year, but nothing to support the Climate mythology and the litany of its false prophets.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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