NH Governor William Badger

1834 Speech to the NH General Court by NH Governor William Badger

Note the constant references to the NH Constitution as to how NH was to be governed. How often have we heard recent Governers swear such fealty to our Foundational document? What we get now is “Public Health trumps Everything” instead. -Skip

NH Constitution

“Sununu has violated his oath of office and suspended his Constitutional obligations”

I have sworn the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of New Hampshire and the Constitution for the United States of America. My sacred oath compels me to defend the laws of the land against all enemies both foreign and domestic. We now have domestic enemies among us.

A way to force them to “Honor your oath”? A Remonstrance on HB 687-FN (Extreme Protection Orders)

If the voters themselves don’t care, we’re done for.  Or at least I thought we were for how else does one hold a politician that refuses to honor their oath? Surprise!” Spoiler: Remonstrance.

The Falling Man (AP/Richard Drew)

The 2,996 Project – Honoring the Fallen of 9/11 – Eugen Lazar

I made a promise – GraniteGrok will not forget Eugen; this day we still remember what happened 23 years ago today: 9/11/2001. Someone had written a post with a short blurp “…22 years ago…”. I can’t believe that it has been THAT long – yet I vividly remember that day almost to the minute.

EdOpt Expos were a success!

Education Options held our first two EdOpt Expos at the Richards Free Library in Newport in August. While there are many things for us to learn, we’re off to a good start. The best part was that all the attendees could point to something that they learned there. I know I was part of a … Read more

Link Smorgasbord (and a smattering of memes)

This has a lot of info; all I hope for in gathering these is to widen peoples’ information flow with my comments maybe adding a little twist/perspective. Last one here: Standalone Links (with some memes) – Granite Grok And the latest meme post: Meme Overflow – Granite Grok >>>>>=====<<<<< WW3 Watch: Russia Updating Nuclear Weapon … Read more

The Good Guys

By Spec Bowers – Previous issues of the RINO Report highlighted the terrible voting records of five RINOs in the upcoming primaries. This issue highlights some of the Good Guys who deserve to be reelected. These candidates are selected based on their RINO scores and their HRA scores. Belknap 5 (Laconia 1, 3, 4, 5, … Read more

Inventors of Social Pedagogy

By Niko Roswell – New Hampshire usually goes first. It began with voting but has trickled into NH education, law, church, and culture. After the federal separation of church and state, New Hampshire began to go first in all things criminal. Four nuns were allowed to sue the bishop, the US’s first court case was … Read more

From Vasectomy Vans To Hotties For Harris, The DNC Was Truly A Freak Show

By Gage Klipper | Daily Caller – Throughout the Democratic National Convention, Democrats made a big show out of being “normal,” of standing for “freedom” and traditional, patriotic values. They did their best, but of course it is all a lie; there’s nothing normal about them. Allow me to guide you through the Democrats’ wondrous … Read more


Spec Bowers’ Rino Report – David Nagel

By Spec Bowers – David Nagel’s short voting record puts him in the bottom (i.e., worst) 10 of all Republicans for the current biennium. More than 95% of Republican Reps supported SB272 (Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education), which, among other things, says that teachers should not lie to parents about potential gender transitioning of … Read more

Mike Bordes

The Spec Bowers Rino Report -Mike Bordes

In his four years, Bordes has gone from poor to bad to terrible. In the last two years, he has been ranked second or third worst among Republicans. In 2023, Mike Bordes had the second-worst score of all 200 Republicans. He voted 37 times with Democrats against a supermajority of Republicans, in most cases 95%. … Read more

Kamala Harris

If You Thought Things Were Bad Under Biden, Just Wait

President Joe Biden’s time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He is now officially a lame duck with six months to go. Biden was a victim here of a corrupt Democratic machine that — along with a complicit media — thought they could pull off a grand election-year deceit, despite his failing cognitive … Read more

EC chamber NH Executive Council

New Hampshire’s Executive Council

Readers of GraniteGrok are well aware of the Founder’s fear of tyranny and how they would perceive the current imperial presidency.  For those who don’t have their copy of the Anti-Federalist Papers handy, here are some quotes: Cato No. 4 (possibly written by George Clinton but definitely not by this George Clinton): “He is not … Read more

More CO2 = Fewer Heat Wave Days!

One of the fun things about science is if you allow it to happen, questioning theory, inquiry, data, analysis, and observation, the results tend to destroy the scientism peddled by the proglodytes. Who doesn’t want to do that? It’s fun. They get all spittley and hysterical and then call you names like denier. Yes. I … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  Also, don’t forget to chip in a little to the Grok, as you can.  Steve is doing yeoman’s work on this … Read more

Whitewash Islamism

Civilizational War: Know Your Islamic Enemy

As a follow on to my recent essay, Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies – Granite Grok, I want to highlight more statements and other information to point out the dangers of radical Islam, in many cases as voiced by their own preachers or ex-Muslims.

Rhino RINO Image Credit Pixaby

RINO Report Card for 2024

The New Hampshire General Court (i.e. our legislature) has finished its work for this year (except for a veto override session in the Fall). I have crunched the numbers – i.e. the voting records of 2024 – to determine objectively which members are RINOs – Republicans In Name Only.

We Are Sick and Tired of Being Lied to and Gaslighted

It is with great sadness that I write this open letter. As a life-long Republican, I can’t tell you how disgusted I am with NHGOP leadership, which has allowed this corrupt voting practices to continue in this state.

Roger Anthony Mapes4 (Rev. Yolanda)

Night Cap: Conway, NH Asks Member of Pedophile and Bestiality Group to Host Drag Queen Story Hour (Again)

After my article’s initial release, Steve from the GraniteGrok was kind enough to republish my work to spread it to his audience as well. We were able to ignite a small local protest, which resulted in the protestors being banned from entering the Conway Public Library in Conway, NH, where the event was being held.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


(Cue the music) The grind restarts…well, on Tuesday.