Link Smorgasbord (and a smattering of memes)


This has a lot of info; all I hope for in gathering these is to widen peoples’ information flow with my comments maybe adding a little twist/perspective. Last one here:

Standalone Links (with some memes) – Granite Grok

And the latest meme post:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok


WW3 Watch:

Russia Updating Nuclear Weapon Doctrine Due To Western ‘Escalation’ Of Ukraine War | ZeroHedge

But… but… but the ADULTS are in charge now that Orange Man Putin Stooge is out.  Right?  Right?

Revving Russia’s Red Lines – by Kevin Batcho (

Hardliners are calling for America to grant Ukraine permission to fire Western missiles deep into Russia. Already Ukraine is constantly launching long range drones against Russian targets deep into the massive nation’s rear zones. The drone attacks are not pushing Russia’s red lines since Ukraine has just as much right to attack Russia with its own weapons as Russia does in attacking Ukraine. The key escalatory factor that hardliners seek is Western complicity for deep attacks into Russia. In Russia’s eyes, this would make the West a combatant and justify Russian airstrikes on European airbases.

Though I do disagree with his take that Iran mostly obeyed the non-nuclear weapons pact. I view this as utter naivete.

Poland Says It Has ‘Duty’ To Shoot Down Russian Missiles, NATO Leadership Warns Against | ZeroHedge

We’re going to blunder our way into WW3… either that, or as I’ve been predicting, every country will take every “logical next step” until everything is bound up in red lines and obligations and so on, that “something” happening is inevitable. And then, comes the deluge.


2024 (broad):

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Democrat-Controlled States Refuse To Fix Election Problems (

OUTRAGEOUS! Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

You really think they’re going to let you vote us out of this???

Politico Reveals Evidence of Election Hacking “Blind Spot” in “Six-Month-Long Investigation” – Russian Server Connections and Ukrainian National Anthem Found in Code | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo

Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni Explains How Leftists Can Lose Elections and Still Stay in Power (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Model and Former Dem Embarrasses Woke Mark Cuban with One Simple Question About Kamala Harris | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Pointed question.

10 reasons why ORTHODOX Jews are voting TRUMP (

Jewish people need to vote for this candidate – YouTube

Comments on both videos are great.  And give me hope, at least that Jews are waking up.  Alas, too many still vote “D” out of reflex.

Gold Star Father to Kamala Harris: ‘You Have Spit in Our Faces for the Last Time – Flopping Aces

You’re despicable. You have zero business running this country, and I pray to God that Americans wake the hell up and get your ass out of office. You have spit in our faces for the last fucking time.

California Reparations Supporters Threaten Newsom: Sign the Bill or We Won’t Vote for Kamala – Flopping Aces

Extortion.  But this is an excellent wrap-up:

One X user, who goes by the handle @ImMeme0, cut right to the chase. He wrote: “Someone needs to tell them that they are being replaced with illegals who are getting $150,000 for home down payments.”

More on reparations:

Kamala Offered Slavery Reparations for Black Heart Attacks | Frontpage Mag

And my own take from my old blog:

Do You Like NASCAR? This ‘Non-partisan’ Voter Registration Group Doesn’t Want To Help You (

“Non-partisan”.  And look how they use interest settings in FB to target or exclude people.

Kamala Harris supporters can’t say what her policies are after flip-flops (

Many videos circulating of people voting for her because “woman” and “colored”.  Can’t name specifics, but boy, genitalia and skin melanin.

These ‘rules for radicals’ will get far-left Kamala Harris elected (

VDH analyzes.

God knows I tried. | Barnhardt

From 2012, transcription of a speech.  Aside from the “fluke” of 2016 – which I think was a genuine surprise to the insiders – I hate to say it, but I think she’s right.  Related:

The Election Ritual: the illusion of American democracy (

I remember a Babylon 5 episode where the owner of a mega corporation told one of the prime characters, Garabaldi, that “the mega corporations have been running things for years”.

The pincers movement Harris is trapped in – Flopping Aces

When you start asking for political favors, you get trapped by the obligations created.

The Babylon Bee: 10 Ways Kamala Addresses Crowds of Different Races | The Patriot Post

Pander pander pander. There isn’t a shred of GENUINE in her. But that’s true of the whole Left.

More Than Anything, Survival of the Constitution Is on the Ballot in 2024 – PJ Media

Democrats have been rewriting American history in public schools for decades now, telling everyone they can that they’re embarrassed by it. Because they are gluttonous when it comes to awful ideas, the Dems aren’t content with merely overhauling the past to their fictional liking; they want to chart a completely new course for the country’s future. There’s one thing standing in their way though: the Constitution of the United States. 

Democrats don’t hate all of the Constitution, of course — most of them would take a bullet for the Sixteenth Amendment. They just tend to despise much of what freedom-loving Americans place a premium on. 

The First, Second, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are particularly problematic for them, as is anything having to do with the Electoral College. 


Socialism / Marxism:

Cubans to go without coffee and cooking oil in September | Babalú Blog (

But… but… but paradise?  Viva la revolution!  Right?  Right?

Two Bill Whittle videos about Socialism:


Socialism (


Trump Assassination attempt:

Dan Bongino To Matt Gaetz: This Is How ‘Cover-Up’ Around Trump Assassination Attempt Would Work (

Dan Bongino on Trump Assassination LIVE | Dan Bongino Warns Law Makers About Trump Assassination (

Is it me, or does this story get ignored…..deliverately | If You are Left you ain’t Right (

How anyone – ANYONE – cannot see that this was, at the most innocent, a leaving the door open moment for any possible assassin… at worst, knowingly part of it is beyond me.

Jack DeVine: Trump in the Crosshairs | The Patriot Post

AT BEST it was pure incompetence. I believe it to be far worse.



Shock as sunflower oil use overtakes olive oil for the first time in Spain | The Independent

Because it’s getting too expensive. Related:

American Dream Nearly Out of Reach for Many Americans Thanks to Bidenomics – The Lid (

More High-Profile Retail Stores Are Getting Kicked In The Teeth | ZeroHedge

People tightening their belts.

REPORT: Central Banks Preparing To “Revalue Gold” Price * * by Noah

So, value imposed. Not the free market. From the same site:

The SCAM of Central Banks — EXPOSED and EXPLAINED * * by Noah

Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to $10-20,000 an ounce!” * * by Noah

And related:

“No one is ready for what’s COMING this Fall” Gerald Celente warns | Redacted with Clayton Morris (


The Jab / vaccines / health in general:

Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens (

Alberta ‘bill of rights’ proposal includes freedom to make personal health decisions, refuse vaccines – LifeSite (


Bombshell Study Directly Links Sudden Deaths Surge to Covid Shots – Slay News

Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45 – Slay News

Dutch Scientists Under Attack for Exposing Links Between Covid Shots and Excess Deaths Surge – Slay News

How about “Gee, what do the data show”?  More from the same site.

Police Data Shows Sudden Deaths Surging after Covid Shots Rolled Out – Slay News

Top Japanese Scientists Warn of Heart Deaths Surge in Covid-Vaxxed Teens – Slay News

Won’t convince anyone except around the edges.  Too many people still think of this as their Rite of Passage.

The Jab: A Rite of Passage – Granite Grok

Collusion Among Media, Big Pharma, Politicians, and The Medical Establishment (

You are nothing more than a cash generation system for most of them.  Related:

Pfizer now peddles drugs directly to consumers (

Confidential Pfizer FOIA Documents Reveal mRNA Vaccines Are ‘US Weapons System’ | NC Renegades

Speaking of 5.3.6:

Experimental, Untested Genetic Biotechnology Administered in Pregnancy: An Egregious Breach of Bioethics (

Excellent – a MUST READ in its own right – but it mentions 5.3.6 specifically:

5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (

More on this from Naomi Wolf:

Tweet: “Greatest crime against humanity in recorded history”

From here:

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? – by A Midwestern Doctor

And this article is linked:

If vaccines don’t cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence? (

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 18 | Gates of Vienna

Wow, 18th in a series!

DEATHVAX™ Strikes Again: THE CURE is Worse than the Disease (

I know people who have, like a ritual chant, said “It would have been worse without the vaccine”.  Including one of my daughter’s besties.



25 Vegetables to Plant in Fall for a Cold-Weather Harvest (

The only thing I knew that was a fall planting thing was garlic.  Interesting.

Bayou Renaissance Man: A good emergency planning summary for the pre-election period

From the comments:

I live in Canada, my employer announced in june they were banning work related travel to US starting Sep 1. The reason was high risk of election related political violence. That tells ne the guys in the risk and security department think its going to get bad.


Items That Will Get You on FEMA’s Radar – Ask a Prepper

Realistically, most readers here are already on “watch lists”.


Tyranny / Globalism:

Douglas Murray: ‘Something BIG is About to Happen in the UK’ (

Spicy time approaches in the UK.  This is intentional.

Clinton Labour Secretary Calls For “Global Regulators” To Arrest Elon Musk – modernity

Thou Shalt Not Have Free Speech, per them.  From the same site, more petty tyranny:

Man Kicked Off Flight For Wearing Pro Trump T-Shirt – modernity

A profane or otherwise TRULY offensive shirt, I can see… I saw the shirt. Nothing wrong with it.

Daddy Government Is Afraid of His Rebellious Children – American Thinker

Daddy Government is afraid because his “children” are done negotiating.

Robert Reich Demands ‘Global Regulators’ Arrest Elon Musk For Allowing Free Speech On X ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Translation: To HELL with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Anyone who says something Reich and his fellow tyrants disagree with should be locked up.

Israel-Hamas War: Facts Cable News Ignores or Twists – The Lid (

A specific example, but illustrative in general.

Globalism Is Economic Slavery | ZeroHedge

Scarily close to what is actually planned for us.



NBC Forced to Admit Lying about Kamala Harris Meeting with Families of Murdered U.S. Soldiers – The Lid (

NBC News’s fake “journalist” Kristen Welker lied on the air and said that Kamala Harris met with the families of murdered U.S. soldiers. And now NBC has been forced to admit it all.

It used to be the enemedia could get away with this kind of thing.  Now, not so much. Which is why they hate-hate-hate actual free speech and any information flow they can’t control.

Corporate Media Claims Surge in Child Marriages Caused by ‘Climate Change’ – Slay News

They will say what their masters tell them to say.

Another Report Warns Pollsters Are Oversampling Democrats to Boost Kamala Harris’s Numbers | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Polls as political warfare.


Israel / Middle East:

Iran’s Gaza War: Unfortunately, A Ceasefire Deal Will Not Bring the Hostages Back :: Gatestone Institute

It is probably more convenient, for all those trying to overthrow Netanyahu, to look at him rather than at the real perpetrators: Hamas, Iran and Qatar.

And there’s a danger in many things, not just this instance.  We all want to feel there’s something we can do.  So we attack what we can control, even if the thing we’re attacking is not the actual danger.

“Islam Has a Hate Problem!” Pro-Israel Arab STUNS reporter (

Gives me hope.

Palestinian Authority Diplomats Celebrated October 7 Atrocities (

Hamas and the PA are playing the West like a fiddle with “good cop, bad cop”. I understood this something like 20 years ago. I’m not a diplomat or policy wonk – so how come I see it and so many who SHOULD see it, DON’T?

In sub-Saharan Africa, 16,200,000 Christians have been forcibly displaced by Islamic jihadis (

That’s right. Because it doesn’t fit anyone’s narrative. The political and media elites are aligned with the global jihad, and want to portray Muslims as victims. Christian leaders in the West want to pursue a fruitless and illusory dialogue with Muslim leaders. This leads both to ignore the persecution and genocide of Christians in Africa.

Massive Fire Consumes Coptic Christian Diocese in Egypt (

Not just here. All over Europe. Related:

Video: Is Islam at War with the West? (

The Ominous Threat of a Terrorist Attack Waiting to Happen on US Soil (



Germany Vows ‘Knife Control’ After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival :: Gatestone Institute

However, the authorities are also proposing “knife-free” zones around railway stations and other areas where stabbings and slashings tend to happen, to finally put an end to the violence.

This has to be the same disease that affects anti-gun people here: the idea that people intent on breaking one of the most fundamental laws humanity ever has, Thou Shalt Not Murder, will obey this.

The Fall of England: the Destruction of the First Nation State by David Starkey (

Denver Police Searching For Person(s) Who Put Up Sign About Illegal Aliens – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

They aren’t working hard to deal with all the crime by illegals/migrants, including the gang members, but, boy howdy, put up a sign and you’re in a heap of trouble


The Captain’s Journal » Where is the ATF? (

Now Chicago | NC Renegades

Mayor Eric Adams admits migrants accused of crimes still eligible for taxpayer-funded NYC shelters (

NYPD officer: 75% of arrests are migrants – American Thinker

Illegal immigrant arrested in Texas after being deported in 2010, convicted of murder in 2007 | The Post Millennial |

What good is a border if they can do this? And from here – no wonder they’re streaming in:

Vern’s Stories : Are there any dumb MF’ers out there who DO NOT think this is an invasion?? (

Not just that.

Nancy Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud To Bill Maher | ZeroHedge

New voters.  These people are playing a long game.

The Big Lie Of “Skilled” Migrant Workers Saving Western Economies | ZeroHedge

And Big Business just wants cheaper labor.


National Security in general:

Important New Poll Reveals Most Americans Know China Is Funding the Fentanyl Murder of More than 100,000 Americans Each Year :: Gatestone Institute

IMHO, of course this is deliberate by China.

Oh Really? Biden State Dept. Files No Charges for RTX Giving ChiComs Mil-Tech for US Aircraft 750 Times – RedState

Say what?  More on this:

F-22, F-35, B-2 Bomber’s Sensitive Data Leaked To China, Russia & Iran; US State Department Fines RTX Corp (

Navy Likely to Remove 17 Support Ships, Called the “Logistics Backbone” of the Fleet, from Active Service (

Yikes! A military runs on logistical support.



Egypt: Lawmaker calls for ‘new and decisive regulations’ against those who recite Qur’an incorrectly (

Imagine punishment for not saying, for example, the Lord’s Prayer correctly.

Nigeria: Muslims murdered over 16,000 Christians between 2019 and 2023, media conceals nature of conflict (


SHOCKING: Loay-Al-Shareef Doesn’t Hold Back “Islam didn’t exist yet” (


Israel: Ceasefire Deal Will Prevent Hostages from Coming Home, Anti-Government Protests Only Embolden Hamas :: Gatestone Institute

Once again the “useful idiots” in the West are doing Hamas’ work for them against Israel. Related:

The Evil of Cowardice – PJ Media

This philosophy will destroy the West from within as well as from without. Cowardice is the greatest aid to evil; in fact, it is its own form of evil, for without it, evil could never win. A West incapable of distinguishing between those who kidnap and murder hostages in pursuit of Islamist theocracy and those who seek to free those hostages is a West that simply cannot survive.

From a Telegram contact:

The english translation from arabic is correct. This is no joke


Culture Wars:

What if Pedophilia were MUCH more common than we think | (

Or to add – what if it were so much more common, and used by that central core of TPTB to have kompromat over so many?  Which has been speculated for the last several years by many including my Jarhead friend.

On that.  I don’t have the link, of course, but I do remember reading (on the internet so it must be true) that to move into the truly high circles in certain industries like banking requires attendance at specific parties.  Where they either get you to do “bad things” to create explicit kompromat or you see what’s happening, refuse, and then they tell you straight: “Nice family you have…” kinds of things.

Sure would explain a lot.

Hiker Stranded on Mountain After 14 of His Co-Workers Leave Him and Remove Path Markers | The Gateway Pundit | by Jack Davis, The Western Journal

Think about the mentality that permits people to not just leave him, but remove the trail markers.  I’ve worked with some a-holes in my day (some might think I am too); I cannot even imagine being willing to do this to anyone.

MA activists confront legislators over corrupt actions & radical bills (

How MA citizens will derail their corrupt Legislature (

Canada activists fighting gov’t ‘lawfare’ against Bill Whatcott (

Good group!  On schools specifically:

Fighting Graphic Sex Ed & Porn in Schools & Libraries (

German podcast forced by court to delete episode over ‘misgendering’ | Human Events |

You will honor the pronouns.  Or else.

The Washington Stand: ‘Gender-Industrial Complex’ Worth Billions Annually: Report | The Patriot Post

A lot of money is at stake here.

Why Don’t Women Dress Traditionally? – Intellectual Takeout

Speaking for myself, I like seeing women in dresses.

Swedish Armed Forces. An actual poster.


Liberty (broad):

You Will Be Forced to Choose: Slave or Free (

Americans will eventually be forced to decide if they wish to be free people or slaves.  Perhaps they will be slaves with good incomes and relatively decent standards of living, for a little while anyway, but slaves they shall be nonetheless if they don’t understand where our freedoms come from, and what it takes to live them out and hand them down to posterity.

Pushing back against petty nanny-state intrusions « Samizdata

Except people don’t push back.

Massachusetts Judicial Supreme Court Rules Switchblade To Be “Protected Arms” (

In MASSACHUSETTS????  From the same side, useful prep for Spicy Time (or other):

50/200 Yard Zero Simplified for 5.56 and .308 Rifles (

Feds Hiding Data Showing Good Guys With Guns Stop Shootings (

This goes back to Kleck, Kates, Lott, and others.


Climate / Big Green:

New Study: Human Emissions ‘Irrelevant’ In Determining Changes In Atmospheric CO2 Since 1959 (

Interesting. From the same site:

New Study: CO2’s Atmospheric Residence Time 4 Years…Natural Sources Drive CO2 Concentration Changes (

As the article points out, most models assume CO2 stays for decades. Related:

Extension of the linear carbon sink model – temperature matters | Climate Etc. (

A Dam Good Argument (

Environmentalists always exaggerate to get attention.

96 Percent Of Spendy Green Policies Failed To Cut Emissions (

Not surprising. More cronyism and money laundering of tax money into campaign coffers.

Analysis: The Green New Deal could make electricity 28 times more expensive – Climate Depot

And thus kill the economy entirely. Related:

VP nominee Walz ‘signed a bill mandating a 100% carbon-free electricity’ by 2040 in Minnesota – Climate Depot

German State Media makes a game where players shoot down flying climate deniers – Climate Depot

What do I keep asking?

Imagine that you truly believe CO2 emissions are a threat to the entire biosphere – all life on earth. What would be your moral line in the sand that you wouldn’t cross to prevent that?

The Climate Afterlife | Real Climate Science

Prediction. Prediction falsified by the real world. Paging Richard Feynman:

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”

― Richard P. Feynman

The Cold, Hard, Kamala-Repelling Truth about Electric Vehicles – American Thinker

Ideology replaces actual fact.



The Coming Preference Cascade | Blog & Mablog (

Dated, but it has a good concept.  Which is very relevant to this meme:

Are there any democrats not owned by China? – Flopping Aces

Doesn’t seem like it. Of course this doesn’t mean the Right is free and clean.


Other memers (remember, inclusion here doesn’t mean I agree with every meme there):

Sunday Funnies – Flopping Aces

Sunday Strip: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You. (

Friday Funnies: Rebranding in Progress (

Vern’s Stories : Sundays Kuh Mal Uh Memes (


Other compilations (same disclaimer as with memes):

In The Mailbox: 09.03.24 : The Other McCain

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Who Really Is Barack Obama? A Counterintelligence Inquiry (

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/3/2024 | Gates of Vienna



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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