Spec Bowers’ Rino Report – David Nagel


By Spec Bowers

David Nagel’s short voting record puts him in the bottom (i.e., worst) 10 of all Republicans for the current biennium.

More than 95% of Republican Reps supported SB272 (Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education), which, among other things, says that teachers should not lie to parents about potential gender transitioning of children.

Nagel voted for three amendments to weaken the bill but in the end, voted to pass it.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Contribution. Submit yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Belknap #6 has a 6 for 4 primary. The other candidates are Ronnie Abbott, Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Richard Beaudoin, and Russell Dumais). Abbott does not have a record but could hardly do worse than Nagel. The other four (Aldrich, Bean, Beaudoin, and Dumais) all have good to excellent records. Together, their combined votes (just 19 bad votes in 22 years) are much better than Nagel – 33 bad votes in just two years.

Nagel had bad attendance in 2023 and very bad attendance in 2024.

Bad votes by Nagel, David (R, Gilmanton)


    voted AGAINST establishing a local education freedom account program ( 2024 HB1652 )

    voted AGAINST expanding eligibility to the education freedom account program ( 2024 HB1677 )

Gender Ideology

    voted AGAINST allowing those harmed by puberty blockers or gender reassignment surgery to sue for damages ( 2024 HB1664 )


    voted FOR allowing late-term (beyond 24 weeks) abortions ( 2023 HB224 )

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