Interesting question on the Left’s treatment of Christianity

David French, whom we’ve had on GrokTALK!, does a run up and then asks a question.  First, the run up: John and Jill are both applying to work at a company like Google, Apple, Starbucks, or Disney. John is an advocate for LGBT issues, he believes Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, and he thinks Black … Read more

“Politics Has Ruined Everything Fun”

This post by Peggy Ryan over at American Thinker pretty much has the right of it – the Progressives, with their constant shoving of politics into everything, are basically ruining everything.  They can’t just leave well enough alone and have to constantly be screeching at us from their positions.  You name it but there’s hardly … Read more

So NH Democrats Are Giving Up on the Heroin Epidemic?

Democrats are flipping out over what Ted Cruz said about neighborhood policing as a potential means to deter terrorism. This is actually great news. It means that progressives can no longer be taken seriously when they come out in favor of random surveillance on everyone, or stand in opposition to a citizen’s right to self-defense.

Adding to the list of organization that donate to Planned Parenthood

And if you are supporting, if you are donating, you OWN part of this “baby organ crushing”.  And like the non-profits that Steve posted that support baby organ trafficking Planned Parenthood (spawn of the black eugenist Margaret Sanger), here are the the BIG for-profit Companies that also support Planned Parenthood’s activities (just like NH GOP … Read more

Maybe because it is part of the NH GOP Platform, Deputy House Speaker Gene Chandler??

So yesterday, the Republican Leadership trick of stripping out most of a bill (HB 357) and make it a DOT funding bill / Gas Tax increase was severely shamed – the NH House Republicans trounced the attempt of foisting twice the level of the gas tax passed last year (yes, by Republicans, first started in the … Read more

This is not a Ford I would EVER buy – EVER, EVER, EVAH!

Just call it a Nanny Car – from Engadget: Much as we’d like to emulate our NASCAR heroes, breaking the speed limit often comes at a price. Ford is hoping to prevent accidents and speeding tickets by introducing cars that can see what the speed limit is and preventing heavy-footed motorists from driving any faster. … Read more

Moms Demand Action – making women more helpless, nationwide (the Panera Bread edition)

From a post I did back in 2010: “How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of.” – Suzanna Gratia-Hupp … Read more

This is what the CEO of Target would have preferred to have been able to say

Moms Demand Action, the Astro-turf group funded by former NYC Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg (Wait!  I thought US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that the Democrats didn’t “have” any billionaires??) has been going around to commercial entities like Starbucks, Chili’s, Lowe’s, Home Depot – you get the idea.  Because they and their fellow “disarm … Read more

When even a top Dem strategist warns about ignoring the TEA Party…will the GOP take notice?

Donna Brazile had this had this amazing thing to say: I have to tell you as somebody who’s observing this race, I’m trying to look at all of these primary races. Low turnout. You got to really go out there in these low turnout elections, although there were a lot more than participated in most … Read more

The Economic Populist for Congress in NY 21 ad-hoc Committee…

Someone sent me a link to an ad on Craiglsist seeking a candidate to run in New York Congressional District 21.  The laundry list of qualifications and the  context in which they are presented are very amusing.  Let me just say that if Cynthia Chase would like to consider the job I’ll help raise money … Read more

There Are Many Names for This Not The Least of Which is Tyranny

Democrats get all uppity whenever anyone shares a message that can be connected to anyone else with money.  If you happen to agree politically and that advances the interest of someone successful, or a particular segment of business or industry, you are their shill.  On the take.  In the pocket of some entity that is … Read more

Ms. Open Carry

Breitbart has a nice post up (be sure to read some comments) about Heidi Yewman, whom (I guess?) got famous for vehemently opposing Starbucks open carry gun policy.  Well she decided to follow her state’s rules, get herself a Glock,  and write about “what it’s like” to carry a gun on her hip for 30 … Read more

“Liberalism is an elite person’s psychological investment in enjoying a guilt-free affluence.”

Victor Davis Hanson, one of the best observers of the political and popular culture (and its decline) from a Classical Western Liberalism (as opposed to today’s rampant Political Liberalism which is more authoritarian / communitarian), has another wicked corker out Romney almost forfeited the election when a video was leaked about his honest, though inexact, … Read more

Is Juan Valdez The Anti Christ?

(Repost: Originally posted Aug 17th, 2010 – What can I say, I like this one.) I started drinking coffee at the age of six, not because my parents were irresponsible—they were in fact better people than I can ever hope to become—but because I spent an unusual amount of time in the company of coffee … Read more

Republicans Want to Limit Your Access to (Insert lie here)

Democrats will make up stories about their own mothers if they think it will advance their political agenda, so we cannot pretend to be surprised when the professional Lefts “Republican War on Women Blitzkrieg” embraces outright deception; the idea that Republicans want to limit your access to (insert lie here.) This idea is based on … Read more

Environmentalists who love crony capitalism

Because they can’t stand seeing their fellow citizens ignoring their bleats of “You shouldn’t do that” in some cases (like, you know, use electricity to live a modern lifestyle, or be allowed to drive a car that can, like, you know, can actually hold all of your family members and the grocery bags needed to … Read more

Rebuttal to Alison Therriault – No, there is no extreme jeopardy to women’s right to control their lives in NH

I submitted this in rebuttal to a Letter to the Editor in the Laconia Daily Sun (P. 7, March 23, 2012) (slightly expanded here): It used to be that becoming an adult meant becoming independent and being self-responsible for their own well-being. Economic dependency on family was left behind along with the toys of childhood. … Read more

Faux Islamophobia, or REAL Islamophobia?

Islamofascism – a political system wrapped up in the trappings of religion.  The Left is always playing Chicken Little about a Christian fundamentalist theocracy taking hold and taking over here in America.  I’ve listened to this tommyrot for decades – it ain’t happened, it isn’t happening, and it won’t either. Shariah Law, on the other … Read more

Hmmm, this fits the Progressive Democrats!

From Doug over at RightWingNews – A Declaration, not of Independence, but of Dependence: IN WASHINGTON DC, JANUARY 20, 2009The unanimous Declaration of the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Executive Branchhen in the course of political expediency it becomes necessary for one party to ignore its country’s Constitution and legal system which … Read more

New Hampshire- The NEW New Jersey?

Ed Naile sends another fantastic piece in which he studies the rise and explosion of out of control government, New Jersey style. New Hampshire, could this be your future? by Ed Naile Yes, a lot of the soccer moms and portfolio voters you saw at the polls Tuesday were from out of state originally. You … Read more