Adding to the list of organization that donate to Planned Parenthood


And if you are supporting, if you are donating, you OWN part of this “baby organ crushing”.  And like the non-profits that Steve posted that support baby organ trafficking Planned Parenthood (spawn of the black eugenist Margaret Sanger), here are the the BIG for-profit Companies that also support Planned Parenthood’s activities (just like NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey):

Adobe La Senza
American Cancer Society Levi Strauss
American Express Liberty Mutual

AT&T Macy’s
Avon March of Dimes
Bank of America Microsoft
Bath & Body Works Morgan Stanley
Ben & Jerry’s Nike
Clorox Oracle
Converse PepsiCo
Deutsche Bank Pfizer
Dockers Progressive
Energizer Starbucks
Expedia Susan G. Komen
ExxonMobil Tostitos
Fannie Mae Unilever
Groupon United Way
Intuit Verizon
Johnson & Johnson Wells Fargo

Oh, this too (as long as we’re talking about NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey) – We’ve excoriated NH GOP Committeewoman Juliana Bergeron for abandoning her base and the NH GOP Platform with her adding her name to the amicus brief that went to the US Supreme Court in the gay marriage suit.  Well, now we can add Duprey’s name to that as well:

Duprey lit the top of his Smile Building at 49 S. Main St. with a temporary display of rainbow lights, which glow above the Concord skyline and draw the eye from Interstate 93. In addition to showing support for the LGBTQ community, Duprey said he got to test out an eye-catching idea for Main Street.

“It thought it was appropriate, like you’d seen a lot of other buildings in the country do to celebrate the court’s decision on marriage equality,” Duprey said.

So how does that sit – Duprey is against one of the NH GOP Platform’s most important planks (anti-abortion) and a second (one man, one women).  So, why do we keep electing people like this that go out and double cross what the NH GOP says it stands for?  So is Duprey now a double winner double-crosser?

And we wonder why the Establishment Republicans keep demanding that we drop the “social issues” – it’s getting harder and harder to tell them apart from the Dems for their “social issue” stances.  Oh, I get it – they just want the field for themselves.

And remember, if he didn’t do things like this, we’d have nothing to write about as we do our walkabouts with Big Flashlights….


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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