This is what the CEO of Target would have preferred to have been able to say


Moms Demand Action, the Astro-turf group funded by former NYC Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg (Wait!  I thought US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that the Democrats didn’t “have” any billionaires??) has been going around to commercial entities like Starbucks, Chili’s, Lowe’s, Home Depot – you get the idea.  Because they and their fellow “disarm the general populace” gun grabbers having had zippo lately for more infringing of peoples’ Second Amendment Rights, they’ve decided to tell private companies that they would punish them economically if they didn’t, in turn, punish those that wished to exercise their Right.

Target was their latest target, and with a few open carry folks that had no sense of common sense and nuance, the CEO put out a statement concerning customers and their guns.  Nicely worded, vague and all, but it seemed to give Moms Demand Action a glimmer that they got what they wanted.  Not quite.  If you translated it (as I am oft to say “We can say things that others can’t – or won’t”), it came out like this (H/T:  Bob Owens):

How the heck did we get caught up in this mess? All we want to do is sell cheap foreign-made stuff to hausfraus who feel they’re too good to be “people of Walmart.” We don’t want to be involved in gun rights politics at all.

But thanks to some grandstanding long-gun open carry yahoos in Texas who can’t figure out basic muzzle discipline, and the response of some shrill harpies in Indiana taking orders from a bitter under-sized billionaire in New York, we’re screwed through no fault of our own.

We really don’t want any part of this… so how can we make it all go away, so we can go back to trying to make money for our shareholders?

I know! We’ll send out a non-committal yet carefully crafted press release that sounds like it’s saying something, while we actually change nothing. The little Moms Demanding Action From Illegal Mayors group will claim victory and come back to buy zinfandel and Xanax, and the retards who never passed range safety will stop muzzling each other’s feet in our parking lots and will go back to playing Call of Duty and leave us alone.

Heck, it worked for Starbucks.

In a way, just like Hobby Lobby – they just want to “make money for our shareholders” but Progressive activists are bound and determined to continue to push politics into everything whether people want it or not. They DON’T care if they turn other peoples’ lives inside out – that’s just collateral damage.  Gotta break eggs if we are gonna put Dystopia into place, right? WE KNOW what is best for the Common Good – and as Michelle O has said, somebody is going to have to give up stuff to get there.  They merely are telling us now what that is going to be.

Go over to the post to see what Target actually released.  End result is not, as MDA wants us to believe, that Target is telling gun owners to not be packing when they come in to shop; its more of an understated plea on their knees.

(H/T: Bearing Arms )


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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