There Are Many Names for This Not The Least of Which is Tyranny

Steve MacDonald

Democrats get all uppity whenever anyone shares a message that can be connected to anyone else with money.  If you happen to agree politically and that advances the interest of someone successful, or a particular segment of business or industry, you are their shill.  On the take.  In the pocket of some entity that is cheating people out of their money to line its own pockets and advance its own interests.

But their is no “business’ as big as government.  No business I know.

Under Democrats and their water-carriers the ‘business’ that spent itself into almost 10 trillion in debt over 233 years, almost doubled that debt in just five.

Government has created an elite ruling class of the well-heeled and uber-wealthy, benefactors of police powers that no ordinary business has.

Oh yes.  What a fine distinction that is.

Unlike any other business, which might dare to willingly offer some of its revenue in support of a cause or candidate–subject to meeting the rules set out by big government under penalty of fines or imprisonment–big government  has a network of agencies with police power and authority to exercise its interests above all others with force, including how it gets its money in the first place–through confiscatory taxation.

To protect this monopoly on information and force it deploys a massive infrastructure of unions, well-fed non-profits, friendly “news” organizations,kept-businesses,  well-fed cronies, all-on-the-take, advancing the interest of big government with money extorted by the state from the citizenry.

These shills of big government not only promote the message of big government for the benefit of themselves and big government, they do so with the understanding that their gravy train is fueled on the backs of slaves who will see the crackers whip if they object to being fleeced, if they demure at paying tribute.

Those who dare voice objections are pilloried in the press and spammed by the NGO’s, with like-minded bureaucrats and politicians piling on, using their free-media soap-boxes to spew vitriol unchallenged by the same press that hands them the microphone.  And if that were not bad enough,most of the very wealthy, including those in entertainment, are right there beside them, launching hate in defense of a planned tyranny of which they have little to fear as long as they support big government or hide in their mansions without objection.

Can you imagine if Exxon Mobil stood outside Shell stations harassing drivers as they tried to pull in to get gas?  What if Starbucks employees (with the help of the local SEIU) blocked the entrances to Dunkin Donuts, or picketed the homes of its customers?  Imagine Burger King going on MSNBC to smear Mc Donald’s customers as puppets of some demented clown with celebrities and talking heads smiling and hurling epithets, insulting their intelligence and lying outright in defense of the side that keeps them well-heeled and in business themselves?

The biggest irony of all?  The government presumes to be the best arbiter of consumer protection.

So when some ass-hat, left-wing, meat puppet like Zandra Rice Hawkins of GraniteState progress (who gets her paycheck from the rich billionaires financing ProgressNow out of Minnesota) opens her pie hole on New Hampshire Television in defense of the latest crap-storm to emerge from the sphincter of her big government masters, she is shilling for the biggest, greediest, business of all, one with the power to take property with impunity and use it to ruin whatever it likes while ridiculing and marginalizing anyone and everyone who dare challenge their assumption.

ObamaCare is the perfect example. The only people who defended that piece of crap were Donkeys and Mules; Democrats and the well-financed machines that live off the innovation and sweat of others.  Giants who boil our bones to make the soup of “progress.”  A ‘progress’ that looks frighteningly like the majority of human history where a few retained all the political power, wealth, and a monopoly on force to protect it.

That is what the Democrat party and their mob-rule partisan benefactors are defending.  When they insult the TEA Party they are attacking a threat to their domination on wealth, power, and force.  When they insult us, call us racists, try to chisel away at free speech, assembly, state sovereignty and self-defense, they are shilling for big government, the biggest business of all.  When they sue the states, bring lawsuits against political opponents, or erect hoops to participation so high no one without all the right connections can play in their arena, they are protecting the monopoly of big government.  When they look the other way at bullying, misogyny, fraud, intimidation, even let criminals walk free becasue they are their criminals, they are defending the biggest business of all.

The Democrats, progressives, and  liberals who actually pull the levers and turn the wheels do not care about poverty, hunger, inequality, jobs, roads and bridges, or even the planet unless they can use those things to make the big business of government bigger.   They don’t care about crime or gun violence unless they can use it to disarm those who are not on the take from the big business of big government.  Haven’t you notices that people on the dole or in the employ of government can commit all the crimes and gun violence they want?  Democrats just use that as an excuse to arm more of their advocates and disarm everyone else.

Big Government is the biggest business of all.   The only business that benefits from crime, injury, catastrophe and chaos.  A Business whose advocates sow dissent, divide us into factions, create division, stir up unrest, and incite rebellion, why?  Because they are on the take from the business that is selling the cure.  Bigger government.

ObamaCare is just the most recent example.

The Medicaid expansion is another.   Government needs more advocates for, wants more people who rely on them instead of themselves for what they need, a need, not unsurprising, more often than not defined by the big business of big government.

The game is fixed and we are meant to remain quiet while those who used to defend us from it, switch sides.  We are not supposed to observe that they might just looking to get in good with the biggest business of all. (Being a junior player in good standing with the political class must better than being outside on your knees paying for it all.)  What they are doing is negotiating our terms of surrender, hoping to retain land and title as long as they shill for the biggest business of all.

Even under the best of misguided intentions ‘big government’ and its cheerleaders, free from the worry of losing ‘customers’, and with the ability to literally or figurative crush any competition, have no incentive to do anything but expand, sucking up more and more of the economy as they do, until they are so big they must fail.  Fail to keep promises. Fail to meet obligations.  Fail to do anything but be the big business of government leaving everyone else at their feet with no recourse and no options.

There are many names for this not the least of which is tyranny.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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