If “TEA Party”, “Right Wing”, and “Extremists” didn’t exists as words, the NH Democrat Party would be speechless

by Skip

Oh yeah, let’s also add “Free Stater” to that list, too!  Take those words out of their lexicon, all you’d have left would be jaws going up and down.  Without those adjectives (hurled as epithats), they’d have nothing to say and no one to excoriate.  And that would suck for them.  Listen to Ray Buckley, the head of the NH Dem Party – stripped of the ability to go ad hominem, what would he have left?  Or Zandra Rice-Hawkins?  Or Silver Spoon Harrel Kirstein, for that matter (just for a few).

Union Leader LogoDrew Cline, the Editorial Editor of the Union Leader has a great piece on this topic demonstrating exactly that (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Ironically, in trying to portray Republican primary winners as bought-and-paid for, New Hampshire’s top Democratic elected officials on Tuesday exposed themselves as party-controlled tools. Behold the hackery.  Annie Kuster (to WMUR-TV): “It is clear that voters are going to have a choice in the 2nd Congressional District for the election between a right-wing, Tea Party opponent and myself.”

Carol Shea-Porter: “Guinta is well known to New Hampshire after serving one term in the House of Representatives, where he established himself as a right-wing Tea Partier.”  Maggie Hassan: “By signing his name to the Koch brothers pledge and pushing an anti-middle class agenda right out of their playbook, my opponent has already shown us his roadmap, and it takes New Hampshire in the wrong direction.”Jeanne Shaheen campaign manager Mike Vlacich: “In Scott Brown, they have a politician out for himself, Big Oil, Wall Street, and the corporate interests that line his pockets.”

Their party-crafted statements were echoed elsewhere Tuesday night. The New Hampshire Democratic Party spent primary night using the phrases “Tea Party extremist” and “Koch Brothers agenda,” and Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said all nominated Republicans embraced an “extreme Tea Party agenda.” Orders sent, orders taken.

New Hampshire deserves to be governed by people who have the guts to think for themselves and not mindlessly parrot the empty phrases of their party bosses in Washington, D.C. New Hampshire won’t get that with this crowd.

Yeah, I forgot about the Koch brothers.  I guess that even the Democrats couldn’t justify the use of TEA Party for with Scott Brown.

I do have a question for Maggie “The Red” (whose socialist tendencies had her proposing to effectively nationalizing the hospitals in NH in having a government board not only having the ability to set their rates but taxing them for the “benefit” of micro-managing them): the Koch brothers both tend to Free Marketplace stances – where business owners (like the small business owners that dominate NH and make up that middle class and give jobs to those workers in the middle class) which means they only want Individuals to make those decisions – and not Government.

Why don’t you trust Individuals, Maggie?  Do you think us too stupid or to craven to decide for ourselves?  Or are we gonna hear that stale song that businesses only take advantage of their workers and customers – that only the power hungry pols and bureaucratic weenies are the only ones that can make “good” decisions for all of us?  How can that be good – that you are in the forefront of taking more and more choice in our lives away from us – choice, the quantification of Freedom?

Taking away choice – the main tool and result of all of those that Drew Cline lists.  Isn’t THAT what an extremist does – takes over other peoples’ lives?

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