GraniteGrok Endorsement Bill O’Brien for NH Speaker of the House: His Consistency has created Trust – please give him your Vote

...Speaker of the House Bill O'Brien
…Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien

That from the meme of “Consistency breeds Trust yields Votes”, and yes, NH House Representatives, we at GraniteGrok are unanimous in endorsing Bill O’Brien once again for the most powerful political position in New Hampshire.  Beyond “deserving” it (a hackneyed worn our phrase in this Entitlement Age), he has earned it.  While we have a few nits to pick with Bill (no one is perfect), they are far overshadowed by his results.  Results for New Hampshire that are in line with traditional New Hampshire results – and rolling back those foreign based Progressive ones.

Yes, results – not just his words from speeches, Op-Eds, emails, and interviews.  While one may not like his “bedside manners” (like a lot of Republican moderates who are more concerned with perception and promises (that rarely come true)  than hard work and actions), one cannot dispute that he engineered results simpatico with what our Constitutions and Platform hold to be what Republicans should be acting towards.  A lot of Conservative / Liberty affirming laws were passed, chief among them was the solving of the Democrat “bear trap” of a deficit that that they laid in hopes of achieving broad based taxes here in NH (e.g., sales or an income tax).  More should have been accomplished – and can be if he is elected Speaker again.  More NEEDS to be done – Government has grown too large, too expensive, too intrusive, has a disdain towards its employers (us!) in many ways, and thus, in the process of losing our vaunted New Hampshire Advantage and the philosophy behind “Live Free or Die”.

While no one person can solve all political ills built up over decades by ignoring (or fighting against) our heritage of that LFOD outlook, we can be sure that Bill O’Brien will bring the fight to reverse that trend to the Democrats.

And please remember that EVERY Democrat just ran against Bill O’Brien and “his agenda” AND LOST.  Running against Bill lost their majority in the NH House, grew smaller in the NH Senate, and ceded their control of the Executive Council (effectively neutering Gov. Maggie Hassan in a large extent).  No “go along to get along” he, O’Brien knows that not only that there is much work to be done, he will not be deterred from that work simply because some “bad words” (and as we have pointed out, some by those in the left of center and moderate wings of the Party).

So, when you cast your ballot for NH Speaker of the House, please remember that we (the electorate) voted you all into office to stop the Democrat agenda.  Nothing more but certainly nothing less than that.  And there is no better way, we know, than to choose the person that the Democrats fear the most, Bill O’Brien, for they know his past effectiveness against them.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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