Last year was this author’s first annual ‘Turkey Awards’ handed out to people or political organization in New Hampshire politics. On Monday they will be discussed on ‘Politically Buzzed.’ It was quite the list last year and again is quite the list this year. These awards are all based on stories written over the past year and cross lines in both political parties and include local, state and national politics of events happening in the Granite State.
Once again enjoy. These are in no particular order but are all stories taken from events that happened in the past year since the last ‘Turkey Awards’ were given. Of course ‘Golden Turkey Award’ goes to the biggest turkey of the year.
And once again, definitions of ‘turkey:’
tur·key- something that is extremely or completely unsuccessful
turkey (n) a loser; an uncoordinated, inept, clumsy fool
a tool; a person who is not in with current culture and slang or is just generally uncool.
2nd Annual Turkey Awards in New Hampshire politics go to:
New Hampshire Democrat and local hoplophobe Katherine Rogers pushed for the same gun control bill that failed in the Democrat-controlled house the previous year. The woman is a far left wing extremist who doesn’t take her Oath to uphold New Hampshire’s Constitution seriously. She’s got several gun control laws written by out-of-state organizations in the works for next year. Apparently she doesn’t grasp that New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the country.
The former Windham School Board for calling the police on someone who was against them pushing through an outrageous contract with Cenergistic. Eventually two of the board members were ousted for their behavior.
Turkey awards also go out to Windham Selectman Al Letizio and Windham School Board member Dennis Senibaldi for their bullying behavior regarding the factual stories about them. Letizio actually threatened to sue Examiner AND Granite Grok. Neither man ever pointed out what wasn’t factual in this author’s articles about them.
Along the same lines of ‘turkeyness’ as the Windham School Board, one goes to the Salem Superintendent who withheld information in a right-to-know request about his backroom dealings with Cenergistic, until after the school board elections.
Maureen Mann for lying to voters about her stance on issues. Her claims were easily debunked by looking at her voting record. She, along with other New Hampshire Democrats, get a turkey award as well for deplorable and despicable treatment of Yvonne Dean-Bailey. Clearly that backfired as Mann lost her race.
And then of course there is Carl Gibson. He was the Democrat operative who worked for Maureen Mann and then sent a fraudulent letter pretending to be Yvonne Dean-Bailey quitting the race. He’s since been indicted for election fraud.
Democrat Representative Mel Myler, a long-time teacher’s union hack, demeaned parents who are against Common Core and claimed he knows what’s best for their children.
And then there’s Bill Duncan who was appointed to the New Hampshire Board of Education by Governor Hassan even while in the midst of suing the state over school choice. He has continually shown he is against children and parental rights with his behavior that hurts both.
The New Hampshire Democrat Party for their absolute hypocrisy on other-the-counter birth control. They slammed Kelly Ayotte for coming out with a bill that was previously supported by the very groups that are now coming out against it for political expediency.
Of course, Ayotte gets a turkey award for pandering to women with her Paid Family Leave Act. The Democrat pandering to women is embarrassing and demeaning to women, Ayotte shouldn’t partake in this behavior.
A huge turkey award goes to Andrew Shagoury of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and New Hampshire State trooper, Sargeant Sean Haggerty. Why? For outright LYING about constitutional carry in New Hampshire. For treating law-abiding citizens like criminals and for embarrassing the state with their testimony during SB 116 hearings.
Moms Demand gets one as well for embarrassing themselves during testimony for Constitutional Carry bill SB 116. They and New Hampshire law enforcement officials also get another for having schizophrenic arguments that oppose each other in different states. Hillary Clinton gets one for using a Moms Demand harpy in New Hampshire, one of the safest states in the country, to push her extreme gun control agenda.
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for claiming ‘Greed kills’ and actually holding a prayer vigil to increase the budget at the State House.
Reverend Emily C. Heath of Governor Hassan’s ‘Progressive Church’ in Exeter complaining about getting campaign emails yet she pushes her progressive politics in her church.
Derry Unions for fearmongering voters about the tax cuts. Derry Unions lied, bullied and harassed the council members who were elected to cut taxes. Derry voters get a turkey award for believing their lies and voting to raise taxes on themselves because of these bullies.
New Hampshire Democrats and Planned Parenthood for their funding lie claiming women wouldn’t be able to get services. Of course the defunding of the vile organization amounts to $2/month per woman.
Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire for holding a rally at night with hardly a showing worthy of their claim that thousands of women depend on them for services. Of course, a fetus is just a ‘clump of cells’ until it becomes ‘intact hearts and livers’ for cash.
Balsams boondoggle that was nothing but a bill pushed based on lies to scam representatives into voting to put New Hampshire taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars for an out-of-state developer who doesn’t exactly have a good track record. The financing was a scam that no one was told about until after the vote. Meanwhile supporters of the bill claimed it wasn’t about the Balsams but all testimony for the bill was indeed referring to the Balsams.
Shaheen endorsed Hillary Clinton based on her ‘women’s rights’ fight when Hillary Clinton’s record on women’s rights is deplorable. Not only did she victimize her husband’s victims but she refused to investigate sexual assault claims while she was Secretary of State.
New Hampshire Democrats on Equal Pay. They keep treating women so stupidly they never admit Equal pay is already the law. It’s demeaning to women in the state.
Every New Hampshire Senate Democrat for voting to continue allowing state-sanctioned discrimination against women.
Senator Hosmer, a New Hampshire Senate Democrat, for being a clueless, condescending misogynist who told a woman she was ‘half-baked’ for having different ideas than him on a bill.
Another Senate Democrat, David Pierce, who apparently grew a uterus overnight, and decided what issues were relevant to women. He seems to know better than women what women’s rights issues are in the legislature.
Frank Guinta for his FEC issue. While he shouldn’t resign over it because his constituents voted for him knowing it was potentially an issue, he gets a turkey award for running again. Just step down already so voters don’t suffer through any other time with the horrific Carol Shea-Porter as a ‘representative.’
And of course Carol Shea-Porter for running again after completely ignoring Congressional District 1 constituents and refusing to give town halls. She also came out and endorsed Hillary Clinton. She’s a pea in pod with Hillary, they both lie to voters.
The most recent Presidential Debate featuring Democrats. It was absolutely an embarrassment to voters, the country and to the entire world. All three candidates get Turkey Awards for their agendas of increasing taxes, increasing the government, increasing entitlements and actually telling Americans they will take their rights away.
Golden Turkey of the Year Award goes to Governor Hassan, once again, for her absolutely abhorrent political hackery when it comes to the ‘drug issue’ in New Hampshire; her decision to play doctor to New Hampshire residents who are in pain; and her refusal to end state-sanctioned discrimination against women, minorities, the gay and lesbian community and Granite Staters in general.
Clearly there are some serious issues in New Hampshire along with many corruptocrats. After the ball drops on New Year’s Eve this year, hopefully more people get involved to stop this insanity.
Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!