Laptop typing student

How EU Law Has Made the Internet Less Free for Everyone Else

If you have been using the internet for longer than a couple of years, you might have noticed that it used to be much “freer.” What freer means in this context is that there was less censorship and less stringent rules regarding copyright violations on social media websites such as YouTube and Facebook (and consequently … Read more

Trump Was Right — The EV ‘Bloodbath’ Is Already Here

Ever since March 16, when presidential candidate Donald Trump created a controversy by predicting President Joe Biden’s efforts to force Americans to convert their lives to electric-vehicle (EV) lifestyles would end in a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry, the industry’s own disastrous results have consistently proven him accurate.

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

TGIF! To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  And if you really like the Grok, please drop them a contribution of support.

Signs The Pendulum Is Swinging To The Right …

Most things in this world change over time. There is an ebb and flow to life, and if we do not think we are heading in the right direction, we can be comforted that the pendulum will eventually swing back. That ball has been swinging to the Left for what seems like years, and it … Read more

How the Federal-Private Speech Police Operated in Election 2020

During the 2020 election, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) partnered with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a consortium of groups led by the Stanford Internet Observatory, to track and counter what they considered mis- and disinformation.