Night Cap: Londonderry, Where Some Political “Ads” Are More ‘Equal’ Than Others

Londonderry has become a land where the people in power know better, whine if you challenge them or call them out, and then – get a load of this – are indifferent to the laws used to go after the outspoken few.

If you missed it, someone in town reported Londerry Times publisher Deb Paul over improperly marked political ads. In most instances, this sort of thing goes unnoticed or unreported because everyone knows these are political ads unless you’re out to ruin those who won’t back down—the few who keep shining big flashlights on the hijinks of the local leadership.  Dep Paul doesn’t back down, so she had to endure a series of court dates and ongoing abuse from the aforementioned faction.

Related: There is a disturbing trend at the Public Meetings of the Town Council …

The law is, after all, the law unless you have exempted yourself.

Both the State of New Hampshire and the Town of Londonderry have rules regulating placement and requirements for political signs. Two incumbents running for office in Londonderry have chosen to disregards those rules. The Town Council remains silent on the issue.

When confronted, see the video below, Town Councilor Jim Butler appears dismissive, making it clear he was not about to buy new signs and “heaven forbid there are other people who have made the same mistakes.”

Heaven forbid!

He then asks for forgiveness, which is not something anyone was willing to offer Deb Paul over a murky issue that may well have been the fault of those placing the ad. But she paid the price. The law Butler violated is not murky at all, and if he is using the same signs as his last run for office, he’s been in violation at least twice.

Related: Is Public Comment a Joke in Londonderry?

Town Clerk Sherry Farrell was likewise called out for a violation of a town ordinance that prohibits campaign signs on town property. She is reported to have had them visible on or in her car in the parking lot (where she works) at Town Hall. No regard for that either, so we are clear. Forgiveness at your discretion, with the understanding that if you cross some of the people running the town they’ll have none for you.

The AG Office did contact Mr. Butler, who told them that “he will be adding the required information to his signs.” I have my doubts, but one thing we can count on: there are residents who will be checking. I hope they remember to take pictures.



For more evidence of how Jim puts the “Butt” in Butler, check out this, or this, or this, or this, or… there’s more.

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